~ two ~

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I was still processing everything. Even after the shower. Even when I had just given myself ten minutes to stare at the ceiling. I just couldn't wrap my head around the last two hours of my life.
"Oh wait!" I quickly sit up, realizing that Matt had sent me the information.
Things like where the auditions would be, and character descriptions. I pulled out my phone and clicked on texts, when sure enough, Matt sent me the pictures and another message.

"Enola Holmes is the character you'd audition for," he wrote.
I click on the picture of the paper, and look around. Looks like Enola is the lead... oh god.
"Ew a love interest?" I scowl, getting carried away and looking at the other characters.
Viscount Tewksbury, Marquess of Basilwether.

Damn, what's with the long name?
Tall, brown hair, partially strong, preferably British, acting experience.
Well whoever will play this role sure sounds pretty attractive. However I'm not quite sure about having to fall in love with someone. Even if it's just pretend.

I continue to look at some characters, reading descriptions and then looking through the more important information such as locations, dates, and all that jazz.
The movie seems super fun. And honestly I'd love to audition. God I just feel so fucking nervous! Hell I haven't even gotten back to Matt and I'm already panicked!

"You got a call?" A hand suddenly whammed my door open, causing it to hit the wall and making me have a heart attack.
"Shit Wyatt why can't you knock?" I sigh, holding a hand to my heart, and trying to take a deep breath.
"Well did you?" He asks, completely ignoring my request for privacy. I shrug and sit criss cross, staring down at my phone and the texts from Matt.

"Well yeah but-"
"You did! Oh my god yes you finally got an audition!" He cheered, making a little 'whoop' noise.
"No!" I quickly say, trying to stop him from getting excited. Wyatt's face just drops to the floor.
"What? Why not?" He pouts.


"Okay well I got an audition but I'm asking Dad first. I don't want to make a decision that could potentially change my life without talking about it first," and I wasn't lying.
I tell Dad basically everything. I mean especially because there isn't another parent. He and my brothers are all I have.
And as much as I wish I had another girl in the house, there's nothing I can do. So let's just roll with it.

"Understandable..." Wyatt nods, leaning against my door frame as if he were deep in thought, "but let's pretend Dad already knows about this... would you take the role?"
Hm... would I?
"Oh yeah in a heartbeat," I shrug and nod at the same time.

He quickly snaps his finger which makes me jolt up.
"Exactly. Oh my gosh you're finally gonna be in a movie!" He says, jumping up and down while pattering his hands.
I shake my head and look down, "No Wyatt I'm sure there's gonna be someone better to get the role... I've never really had any acting experience."

"Psshh," Wyatt sounds, flying a hand through the air, "you've been to like a gazillion acting classes and have your own trainer. And besides, I'm sure you will. You're Robert Downey Jr's daughter."
But that's not why I want it.
I want to get the role because they see talent in me. Not because I'm Tony Stark's kid.
I want to get it because I have potential.
Not because I happened to be born a Downey.

"Maybe... I'll talk to Dad later. Now scram and leave me alone for a bit would you?" I groan and section off a small chunk of my hair, gently beginning to braid it.
"Got it," he chuckles, turning around and skipping off as he sings "my sister's a movie star" over and over.

He seems so excited. But I haven't even auditioned yet. Another reason I'm nervous. I don't wanna let anyone down. Just one hour ago it was a normal day, and I was getting ready to take a hot shower.
Now I'm making decisions that could change my career. My life.
All just like that.

𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐝 ~ ✰☽ 𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐢𝐬 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐠𝐞 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦 𝐨𝐜Where stories live. Discover now