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Before I knew it, the trees have started to turn yellow, red, and everything in between as August comes to an end.

The wind's gotten colder but not cold enough to wear thick jackets or wool gloves. I've been falling in love with the exteriors of Blackwell and the interiors of Arcadia Bay. Embers of the sun shining through the windows as my mind drifts away from our lectures. Thinking about hanging out under those trees and its scattered leaves, listening to the jukebox in Two Whales, recollecting about that lunch with Nathan, his sweet gestures.. wait what?

"Care to give us an answer, y/n?"

My teacher's words slowly make its way back into my ears as Warren pushes my shoulder with his.

"Sorry, what was the question again, Miss Grant?"

"I was just messing with you, dear. But you should stay concentrated in class, exams are coming soon and I don't want to see any of you here fail, even if it's just a trial exam,"

She continued to lecture. I apologized for my behavior and thanked Warren for somehow warning me, even though it was a little too late. As the bell rung, we both walked over to Max who was collecting her books at the lockers. Warren looked like a puppy running after his owner the moment he saw her. Only a few steps away from them and I was already greeted by my friendly, albeit high-pitched dorm mate Dana who chased after me, fangirling about the September party that the Vortex Club was hosting this coming Saturday.

"You should totally attend it, sister!! It's going to be a blast, especially since it's the last party before the 'End of the World' one!"

"Mmm I don't know, Dana.. I'm not really the type to enjoy parties. People dancing like some psycho and the loud music, the booze, it might just freak me out,"

"Oh come on, take it as a way to chill out and have a little fun before the trials start. No harm dressing up for the weekends to hang out with your girlfriend Dana here," she winked and giggled playfully before continuing,

"Okay okay, if you agree to join this one and you hated the shit out of it, I promise I won't make you join the final party, although I must say, you should still attend both.."

"Well, when you put it that way... Who else is attending?"

"Oh, I think Max, took me awhile to convince her to join, Warren, Taylor and Courtney, my bf Trevor, Hayden and Juliet, Justin too but he always bail last minute, Victoria..oh, and Nathan is obviously gonna be there since he paid for the whole jazz,"

Makes sense for him to attend since he's also like the leader of the Vortex club. I kind of wonder what he'd look like, all dressed up. I've never really went for any of the previous parties because I generally stay away from them and the booze. Victoria would often pick on me for "trying too hard to be a saint" or "innocent sober chick" but I'd rather not have to deal with blacking out or other shit that would scar my eyeballs, thank you very much. Plus, Kate had always warned me to not go since the whole viral video thing went down, and I know that these parties were basically just a ruse for students to get high off their minds. But somehow this time, there's as if a force within me that pushed me to say yes and try experiencing something different. It tore my guts though, as it collided with that force, telling me that something really bad is going to happen, but in the end I said to Dana,

"You know what? Sure. I'll drop by and see how fucked up Blackwell students can be on a Saturday night and bounce after a few minutes,"

"Hell yes!!! Welcome to the club, sista!! You won't regret this, I'll be looking forward to seeing your cute ass then!"

She kisses my cheeks, grinning from ear to ear after handing me the admission ticket, running off to recruit another student to join. After staring blankly at the ticket, I rejoined Max who was still stuck with Warren, asking if they're attending the party as I reconsider if it was a good idea. They both said yes, although Warren determined to hang out as far away from the DJ's table as possible, not wanting to go deaf at an early age. By then, Max had to rush to her class and so it was just the two of us left.

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