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It's been a few weeks since then. The school has been organizing all sorts of competitions for each department as a way to attract more students to be participative in their extracurriculars, which is cool I suppose. Warren, Brooke and I decided to join a robotics "Invention Convention" as a team to represent our batch but we still have months ahead so we're taking the summer break off for some of our own research. I also heard from Max that there's this "Everyday Heroes" photography contest so I decided to hassle Nathan a bit about it. We don't text each other often but it's nice when we do. He'd still show disgust whenever we accidentally meet up but I take it as a joke because at least I know he's alright. It's been fairly quiet since classes ended for the season. I'm forced to stay throughout because my parents found it wasteful for me to travel back and forth. No complaints though, I prefer staying than going home. Anyway, let's blow up his phone since I'm bored.

"So, Everyday Heroes ay? Can't wait to see what u're gonna cook up for it"

"Agh, u found out too huh?"

"Defo not gonna miss the show, homie"

"We're not homies, fucker"

"Good talk, dudebro"

I giggled as we threw petty things at each other like some schoolgirls fighting over who's right. Oh wait, that's literally what we're doing.

"Anyway wut u up to?" He texted back.

"Not much, just chillin, waitin for lunch. U?"


After a few minutes, I thought that was the end of the conversation and so I got distracted by my classmates who were passing by my favorite spot, a bench by the front of my dorm. Only a small percentage of students were left 'abandoned' here so it's not too bad to still have company around. I received another notification from Nathan soon after they left the bench though. I was not expecting it but it happened anyway.

"U wanna get some food at Two Whales?"

Not sure why but my heart skipped a beat the moment I saw his text. Also, he's still in town huh?

"Sure, where to meet?"


"Be there in 10 mins"

(Read at 11.45 am)

You know, despite his warped character he portrays in public, he's not so bad after all. I mean yeah, what he did to Kate was horrible and inexcusable but at the very least, he told me to pass an apology letter to Kate, which she was so grateful for. We both found out what's been going on with him but of course, we kept it to ourselves. But yeah, not so bad. I was also glad that Kate had forgiven him since he was acting under pressure and all that. Although, despite our efforts to help him further, he just won't budge from upholding that 'Prescotts rule' persona. Old habits die hard I guess.

Anyway, I quickly packed my stuff and walked over to the schoolyard where he was waiting before realizing my shoelaces were undone.

"Took you fucking long enough, I thought I was gonna rot and die here before lunch,"

"Sorry, got caught up in the passage of time,"


Vulgar as always, I thought to myself.

"You're by yourself? That's rare, also I thought you hated hanging out with me. Bit weird to ask me out for lunch-"

"Ohmygod shut the fuck up and walk will you?"

I laughed at his response as he stormed away toward the stairs where the skateboard gang were practicing their tricks.

"Can't blame me for asking yknow? We never even talk in person, you'd just shun me off. And then u asked about having lunch together," I trailed behind him before he stopped dead in his tracks and furiously stomped towards me.

Are you okay? [Nathan Prescott x reader]Where stories live. Discover now