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I hated surveys. It forces me to go out and talk to people. I hate it even more when I have to thicken my skin and endure the shame when I have to present my project. I'm a student at Blackwell Academy, currently studying sciences. So to go walk around asking for opinion should practically be a mere task. However, I've always been intrigued with art. Every now and then, I would meet up with Max and talk a bit about photography or gossip about the small, petty things in life. We've been friends ever since the first day, so it's a normal routine for us. Sometimes I would visit Warren for the questions in class that I don't understand. Needless to say, my friends are pretty cool. I like hanging around with them. But my eye always seem to divert to a certain student here in Blackwell. I've always been distracted by his.. presence. It's weird and I can't seem to explain it. I shrug it off.

Anyway, back to the survey. I need eight more responses from anyone working or studying here. The deadline is tomorrow. Gee, I sure am the best and most professional procrastinator ever. Always leaving things till the last minute. Sigh. I guess I'll have to hunt down some more people. I've asked from Max, Dana Ward, Kate Marsh, Alyssa Anderson, Brooke Scott, Warren Graham, and Juliet Watson. Now I just need one more. It's almost night time so I better hurry. There's no way I'm asking Victoria and her gang; they're too rude for me to even bother. Somehow, I was hoping I could maybe try and talk to this someone whom I wish is fond of me. But I'm not too sure if he's even around. Being the rich kid, I'm certain that he's probably out driving with his friends, getting hammered or some shit like that. But who am I to judge? I'm just another student.

It's been weird here in Arcadia Bay, a lot of things had happened. There's been several beached whales on the bay, rotting away. Birds are falling from the sky, and snow happened? It's like I'm in a dream, or a nightmare. I can't tell. Regarding the whales; that's the topic for my survey. What forced the whales out of the water? It may be a natural occurrence if it was just one whale, but right now there's at least five out there on the beach. Could it be due to an incoming natural disaster like an earthquake? A hurricane? I've read about how Japanese catfish can sense if there is an earthquake coming. They would jump vigorously out of the water, panicking. Maybe it's the same for the whales. I don't know, it's just a theory. An odd theory. For an odd phenomenon.

As I was wondering around the dormitories, I heard a muffled sound from the end of the hall. It sounded like crying. It's completely understandable for anyone here to break down because hey, exams are tough, alright? The pressure is real. And sometimes it may be a bit too overwhelming. So being the good samaritan that I am, I walked quietly towards the source of the sobs. To my surprise, I saw him. Nathan Prescott. The rich kid. The spoiled brat. The one I've been distracted by. He didn't notice me, even though I was practically standing right beside him. And then he turned his eyes on me. I staggered but I couldn't move. He looks so.. vulnerable, unlike his usual cocky facade he'd put on. With anger and tears in his eyes, he ran away before I could even say a word. Out the door he goes. Obviously I was concerned about him. I couldn't comprehend why he, of all people, would be crying like a child. I sighed. I guess I have to put my project to a halt and complete a new mission; find Nathan. Look, I would totally leave him to his own devices and it might not have been a big deal, but I would feel bad if I did leave him alone, knowing that I saw him like that. It didn't feel right for me to ignore him during times like this.

Before I left the dorm, I stopped by at the bathroom to grab some tissues just in case he needs it. Now what? I don't even know him that well, how am I supposed to find him? Also, why isn't Victoria the one consoling him instead? They're close friends, I'm sure she would've been a better company for him. Anyway, I have to think of some place that he might've headed to. Let's see, the school is off limits since it's already late in the evening and I don't see anyone by the dorm yard. The fountain, maybe? David's not by the gates yet so I quickly took off before anyone with authority arrives to guard the dorm exit. Once I passed it, I continued walking towards the school yard where the great statue of Jeremiah Blackwell stands. With the fountain. The sun sets surprisingly fast recently; I guess Warren's theory of it being the armageddon might be true. Anyway, mission accomplished. There he was, sitting by the rims of the flowing waters.

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