End of the World

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He still sobbed, I still wept. We were both so broken but what he said is true; I could never possibly comprehend what he went through.

We started talking again about how things were and for once, he's finally explained everything to me. We took our time through it. About Kate, about the party, about me, about that monster in human skin, Mister Jefferson, who basically took advantage of our relationship to take grotesque photos of myself and so many other girls in Arcadia Bay. Because Nate didn't want to put me in anymore danger, he asked Victoria to scheme with him; start the rumors that would make me dissociate from him, to make me hate him. He broke down again for being forced to hurt me that way, and I broke down for knowing all that, for the amount of pain he had to endure.

"I'm sorry, Nate. I wish I knew better.."

"You didn't. And I asked for it. I needed to ruin what we had just so he couldn't reach you and mess you up again."


"I only hurt those I care for, and you were no exception. Every time I try to fix things, I'd fuck it up. But somehow, whenever I was with you, I feel like it's all gonna be okay, something that I never felt with anyone else, not even with Victoria. You.. push me to do what's right, and I did. It fucked both of us up, still, but at least you've been safe all this while. He's never talked to you, right?"

"No, and I suppose I should really thank you for that. Thank you for keeping me safe. But for the love of God, why couldn't you have just explained everything by the time we were at the carpark..? We were alone together, we could've just bailed.."

"I can't. He just.. he's got everything on me. I can't run. I had to make sure he knows we're no longer friends. But he's fucking pissed about it. That- that's why he's... I'm so fucking scared, y/n. He's still out to get you, and me.."

His body trembles.

"I can't believe you're still here with me after all this fucked up mess, but just seeing you alive makes living less.. painful. But I'm sorry.. I'm really sorry for dragging you back in all this. I really have nowhere else to go or anyone else to talk to. Now I've put you in danger again. He could've taken you if you walked back just now, that's why I.. I couldn't leave you there..."

He cries. I hugged him back.

"Oh Nate.."

I knew things were messed up but I never expected things to be this fucked. I'm even more surprised that Jefferson hasn't been caught for all the shit he's done in that.. dark room. I was beyond angry for what he did to Nathan and to everyone else, myself included.

"Hey, like I said. Maybe it's fate and destiny that brought us together again! From now on, we're a team, okay? We'll watch each others' backs. Just stay together. You know him, and I know friends of friends. We can work all this out."

He looks up at me with gratitude pouring out his eyes, like I've never seen anyone be so thankful before.

"Thank you.. I really love you, y/n,"

"I love you too, Nate."

Suddenly, a grumble came from Nate's stomach and we broke our silence with laughter. Luckily, Joyce had asked me to take some waffles home as a reward for tonight, so I took it out of my bag.

"Here, have some. It's gone a little cold but the taste shouldn't run too far off,"


He ate like a kid who just got home from school and I was happy that he's at least got the same appetite as he did all this time.

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