After All

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It's been a few years since I've graduated and I decided to work at my uni's marine lab to continue my passion in the field. Research can be pretty hectic and stressful, but the days where I could go off to the sea truly makes me happy. I would capture pictures of whatever I find interesting and send them to Nathan. I hope he enjoys my jokes and commentary I wrote on the back of them though. 'Oh whale.' I also received news a few weeks back that he's been moved to a different facility where those who have shown positive outcomes from the treatment are admitted to. I was delighted for him because I could meet him in person now rather than just sitting behind some glass, talking through a phone.

Warren graduated earlier and has gone off to MIT to continue his Phd while Max started off her career as a professional photographer with their relationship still going strong despite the distance. Chloe's also made an online accessories store for everything punk rock and oh man, I can't remember how much I spent on the rings she sold, they're all so rad! One day, a familiar voice called out to me during one of my grocery runs in the city.


"Oh my gosh, Victoria..?"

"Hey sis, it's been awhile!"

"It really has! How are things with you?"

"Good good! I uh, I just got back from visiting Blackwell a few days ago and thought of surveying Portland and Salem for a spot to open my photo gallery. My dad has some connections around here so I figured why not put it to good use. Plus, I kind of miss our old town,"

"Yeah me too. I couldn't really leave Arcadia Bay completely either so I decided to live here."

"Oh, so you're staying here too then?"

"Yeah yeah, I live downtown, a bit far from the city though but I can't complain; it's a lot calmer there. Makes it easier to visit Nathan too."

"Oh, how is he? Is he okay?"

"Oh uh, yeah he is. He's still got that edgelord attitude and shitty mouth of his but he's been doing better now,"

She nodded solemnly.

"You okay, Victoria?"

"Yeah, it's just.. I felt bad that I haven't visited him in awhile and I couldn't do much for him but I'm glad that you're around."

"Hey, don't say that. I know you've been busy but you still had time to send him letters and he really appreciates them. He's really thankful to have you by his side all this while so don't beat yourself up. If you hadn't been around, things would've taken a worse turn. So yeah, thank you,"

She also apologized for what she did to me. I told her I know why she did it and I forgive her too, now her head held a little taller as she smiles softly.

"Hey, you free tomorrow?" I asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"I was thinking that maybe you would tag along with me to visit him. Max, Dana and Trevor are also gonna be joining since they just so happened to be in town so I'm sure he'd be happy to see you too,"

"Sure, that would be pretty nice. I suppose I should get him something while I'm visiting,"

We decided to chat a little more at a nearby cafe to catch up on each other. It's a bit strange to be talking with her for so long since she never seemed like she'd want to hang with me, but we chatted for almost two hours that evening. It was.. nice. I had an idea of surprising Nathan with a more elaborate gift from the two of us, but it would take a little bit of time for it to happen. We might have to do some digging of his old works at Blackwell and from his family but we had plenty of time. And so, we hugged and waved each other goodbye before meeting up for tomorrow with the others. I was glad that Dana and Trevor agreed to join when I found out that the team Trevor played for is competing at the local stadium. Speaking of Dana, she's been running her fashion line like the queen she is, now making its way to the Big Apple. Well, there's still a long way to go but she's determined and I don't doubt she'll make it there. Max had a commission to do in my area so she slept over at my place for a couple of nights.

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