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the rest of the class went smoothly, not going without being somewhat irritated by fellow students around you. you gripped tightly to the burner phone you kept in you pocket, along with your 'school phone' for what you guessed to be used for contacting anyone other than the league themselves. 

the end of class had crept up towards you, the bell rung and the students all poured out of their classes and back to their dorms or somewhere around the campus. you stayed behind since you had to be shown to your dorm since you had joined later in the school year than the other kids. 

aizawa-sensei was given the job to show you to where your dorm was and other information along with that. you stood up from you seat and made your way to where the man was standing waiting for you. he guided you down the many hallways until landing to the door with your name written in bold letters on a sign hung up there. he had handed you a key in the palm of your hands, you unlocked the door to reveal a plain and quite empty room, "well, this is boring," you chuckled sitting yourself at the edge of the bed. "you have the choice of decorating it how you would like it to be," he monotonously told you taking your interest, "whatever i'd like it to be?" you questioned making sure you had got what he had said right. "yes, its in the schools budget," to continued clearly being bored with the subject. 

he soon left the room, leaving you lone within those walls. you smirked to yourself before jotting down a couple things about how exactly you want your room to be like. 

after having completed that small task you sat back down onto the bed and dug your hands into the contents of your blazer pockets. you retrieved the burner phone and held it tightly in your hands before turning it on, the contacts were labelled vaguely but it was easy to tell who exactly was who. 

before you had chance to actually call or message anyone, you heard a knock being banged against your door. you somewhat jumped at the sudden loud noise, you quickly shoved the phone back into you pocket and began to open the door. it revealed a very excited alien girl who was smiling incredibly brightly, "hey, y/n!" she radiated, "i was wondering if you want to hang out with me and my friends!" she giggled in excitement. "i mean- sure i guess," you forced a smile before walking back into you room to pick out an outfit, not knowing exactly what to choose seen as there wasn't really anything in your style. you cringed and just picked out an oversized shit and some sweatpants and continued to get changed in the bathroom while mina waited. 

exiting the bathroom you brushed yourself down and joined mina who was already squealing at how cute you looked, you thanked her and the two of you began walking down the hallways, "hey, mina?" "yeah, what's up?" she answered happily, "what's your quirk, im curious?" you beamed. "i can generate acid from my body, i can also manipulate the properties of acid such as viscosity!" she explained willingly, "that's awesome!" you complimented, "yeah, but i can't completely control it yet," she sheepishly smiled while rubbing the back of her head. ""\i'm sure you'll be able to soon," you attempted to comfort her, although it was never really your strong suit. "thank you, y/n."

mina stopped once she got to a part of the campus with a couple couches and a television set up, "hey guys!" she yelled motioning you infront of her. "uhm, hey?" you said putting on a rather shy act, "oh hey, y/n was it?" a kind boy with red spiky hair who goes by the name of kirishima asked you politely. "yeah," you awkwardly laughed scratching the back of your neck. "why did you bring her, racoon eyes?!" bakugo shouted defensively, "because mr anger issues, she is a new student from our class," she countered sassily as she sat you next to her at the couch. 

mina insinuated for the boys to properly introduce themselves to you as you scrolled through your phone at old pictures of yourself and toga, some consisting of the rest of the league. quickly closing the app, you pushed you phone back into your pocket and focusing back on them. "im denki kaminari," a blonde haired boy with a black streak told you fixing his hands into two thumbs up signs. "they call me sero hanta," sero winked with his hands in finger guns, "i'm eijiro kirishima!" the red head announced with a large smile. "its nice to meet you all officially," you smiled causing the boys to blush. mina nudged bakugo with her elbow gently trying to force him to introduce himself. "why should i have to introduce myself?" he grunted while glaring at you, "doesn't bother me, mr boom boom boy," you smirked to yourself as the rest of the group tried to stifle their laughter before launching into fits of laughing. 

"what did you say, shitty woman?!" he yelled, clearly irritated, "do i have to repeat myself?" you chuckled, amused by the situation. "i wouldn't do that if i was you-" denki said in-between laughs, "shut it, dunce face!" bakugo yelled in the boy's direction as he stood up from the couch. "no need to get angry, calm down," you said with a hint of sarcasm chuckling as you did so, whilst the rest of the group watched closely since no one they knew had every spoken back to bakugo because of his temper. the boy huffed before mumbling quietly, "my names katsuki bakugo," entertained by this scene, you teased him a little more, "hm? sorry i didn't quite hear you," you said stifling your chuckles, "i said, my name is katsuki bakugo," he said a little louder this time, "sorry, still didn't hear you," you said as the the others laughed rather loudly. "MY NAME IS KATSUKI BAKUGO," you let out little giggles before patting his head, "no need to yell," you hummed while leaning back in your seat next to mina. 

"damn girl-" she sneered smiling at you, while the bakugo slumped and pouted in defeat. 

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