family matters

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"what's ironic?" aizawa asked curiously as you came back to reality from being spaced out for the past couple minutes. "hm? oh- nothing i just recognise that name somehow, " you responded to him, covering your tracks in the process.

"you remember me??" bakugo said, louder than you guessed he anticipated. "well i wouldn't go that far, i just recognise your name. and be quieter would you?" you huffed, rubbing the top of your head again.

"i told you bakugou!" kirishima chuckled, punching his arm before backing away a little bit. "haha! losers! she remembers me and not you guys!" he taunted loudly with a smirk plastered on his lips.

"she recognised my name too kacchan!" deku protested, before quieting down completely as bakugou's glare landed upon him. "not to pop your bubble or anything, kid. but, she only recognises your name, she remembers me completely." hawks laughed earning a short glare from you.

"how could anyone forget someone so annoying?" you smiled sarcastically before rolling your eyes. "i think you mean handsome," he winked, his hands in finger guns. "keep dreaming, bird brain." you retorted back at him.

"why do you have to be so mean to me? " he pouted, crossing his own arms over his chest. "because it's funny," you punched his arm, in not exactly a playful manner. "ouch!" he yelped in pain, backing away from the hospital bed. "oopsies," you put on an obviously fake innocent act and shrugged your shoulders unknowingly.

your face returning back to its neutral expressionless tone, you pushed the sheet off of your lower body and sat up, rubbing your head one last time. "what do you think you are doing?" sero chuckled at you. "getting out of this cramped room, what do you think your doing?" you flipped the question back over to him.

"y/n, you need some rest. due to the fact you got a concussion, i would guess that you got a nasty hit to the head." aizawa explained to you. "no offence and all, but it's not like you are my dad or something. so, if you wouldn't mind, ill be leaving now." you told him with a short sarcastic smile.

"speaking off which, we will be needing to get in contact with your parents." he told you casually. "yeah, that's not going to happen. sorry to disappoint," you huffed, pushing the sheet off of your body once more after sero had attempted to tuck you in again.

"and why would that be?" aizawa continued to pester. "to put it simply, i don't know who the fuckers even are." you dryly chuckled. "y/n, i hate to keep reminding you. would you please stop with the curse words, especially in front of authority figures." iida scolded you.

"sorry dude, but can you respectfully shut the fuck up?" you responded, recieving multiple laughs and chuckles from the rest of the class.

"you don't know your own parents?" aizawa went back to the previous conversation you were having before being interrupted by your own foul language. "mhm, abandoned me on the streets when i was a kid," you laughed. "then what did you mean when you referred to your family? as was confirmed before, hawks used to work with your family. that was, as he said it, how the two of you even knew each other in the first place." aizawa continued to drill into the topic.

"yeah, well i consider those people a family anyway. they have been there for me when my blood relatives weren't. that's who hawks worked with." you explained.

"will you stop trying to escape from your hospital bed?" kaminari sighed picking you up and laying you back down. "i am perfectly fine, man. just let me go, for christ's sake," you growled lowly, visibly irritated by the situation you were put in. surrounded by barely familiar faces and an annoying bird man.

"you say that but before you were complaining about how your head hurt alot." kaminari chuckled, reliving the memory in his head. "you don't know me, im one hundred percent well and i can leave now." you argued trying to push him out the way.

"l/n." aizawa sternly spoke, snatching your attention away from kaminari. "i'm going to need your 'family's' contact information. we don't seem to have it on record at all. "

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