is she missing?

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all of class 1-A, and a teacher who chased after them, ran directly towards y/n's dorm as they saw dabi leave out of the window and run out of sight in the darkness of the night. 

running swiftly through the corridors, iida now leading them all, the stopped as they saw your dorm room. the sign with your name engraved in it was hanging on by a thread. cautiously, mina reached over to the door handle only to see that it was already completely open.

she pushed the door open further, only to reveal a completely empty, yet incredibly messy, room. papers and books were thrown all over the floor, her bed unmade, the closet door hanging open and a shelf capsized on the floor. 

almost immediately, she hugged herself due to the sudden strange coldness to the room. "why is it so damn cold?" she shivered before looking over to the open window, the curtains slapping against the wall due to the wind.

everyone ran over to the window, squeezing between each other to see out of the window. no one saw anything. until..

"hey! who's that??" kirishima shouted, pointing towards a figure dressed in a black and grey skin tight suit running away into the dark. "wait-" aizawa paused with his eyes widened mid sentence before leaving the room and running to find the other pro-heroes who were currently trying to figure out where dabi went to.

"where has she gone?!" mina yelled, looking under your bed, covers, inside closets and so on. "mina, stop," uraraka sighed, placing a hand on her shoulder. "no uraraka! she's our friend. and  she's missing." she snapped back, continuing to shuffle through your room. 

"wait! guy's look at this! *kero," tsuyu announced loudly, picking up a piece of scrap paper placed neatly on the top of your desk. the handwriting varied, as if multiple people had written on it. some of the text was neat and childlike, some like old script and a little bit of it incredibly messy. 

"what's that?" izuku asked, peering over her shoulder as she inspected the paper properly. "it's a note, but it doesn't look anything like y/n's handwriting in class, ribbit," she explained, handing it to the green haired boy. 

multiple questions of what the boy was holing were asked as all the attention fell onto him, "read it nerd!" bakugo growled at him. "ok, ok," he sighed, preparing himself before reading it out loud for everyone.

'dear who i'm guessing to be class 1-A~,

i see that you've found this note in your friend  my dear y/n's dorm's sad really, but don't worry. we will be sure to take good care of her~it's a shame really, i would've liked to at least bring izuku with me as well,'

the first passage in the childish type writing read. the boy paused for a second at the mention of his name. he gulped dryly before composing himself as everyone remained eerily silent for once. "what do they mean, 'my dear y/n'?? y/n isn't theirs at all!" the silence was soon interrupted by denki and sero's complaints and worries.

'i'm guessing you'd all be missing you dearest y/n,

sorry i didn't have much chance to have a little chat earlier, being a wanted villain and all doesn't really give much time for hero wannabes.make your wishes, you'll need them.let's just hope y/n stays safe until you find her~'

the messier handwriting wrote in almost a sarcastic tone, everyone froze at the words, "could this have been the villain who goes by the name of dabi who jumped out of the window in an escape?" todoroki suggests with a concerned expression. "most likely." jirou responded with a slight crack in her voice, being close to crying at any moment like everyone else.

"does it say anything else you damn extra?!" bakugo snarled behind midoryia who had just finished trying to read whatever they were trying to say although it was proving difficult. "uhm, basically just a bunch of scribbles hiding some writing or something?" he said, squinting as he tried to read it. "oh, and a sign off," he said as everyone's ears pricked up. 

'- the league of villains,'

he read as he felt a wave of fear fall onto him. "t-the league of villains??" mina and uraraka stumbled over their words due to pure fright waving over them all. 

just then, aizawa walked back into the room, "have you found anything else? i've just sent other pro-heroes to help find her right now." he asked monotonously, but still with a hint of worry spiking the tone of his voice. 

everyone faced him with concerned expressions, some already brought to tears, or about to cry. "what happened?" aizawa questioned, stepping further into the room.

no one daring to say a word, izuku passed him the note slowly. taking it from him, he peered down, his eyes skimming the messy paper. his eyes widened almost dramatically as he shoved the note into his pocket for safe keeping. 

"oh my god."

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