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Meredith stands beside her mother's hospital bed, shocked at how weak and small Ellis looks. Derek slips his arm around her, hugging her tightly. "Oh my god, Derek, she looks worse than I imagined." Her eyes fill with tears. Mrs. Shepherd stands at the foot of the bed, and Dr. Webber is on the other side.

"She's recovering from the stroke, but her speech is slow, and her thoughts have been jumbled," he says, watching Ellis intently. "She's been awake briefly, but she's not lucid. The Alzheimer's is affecting her more than we thought originally. I'm so sorry, Meredith. I thought you knew about her condition."

Meredith shakes her head, unable to speak. She drops her face against Derek's chest, sobbing quietly. "Dr. Webber, what does Meredith need to do now?" Derek asks, smoothing Meredith's hair.

"Well, nothing immediately. Ellis needs to stay here until she's stable. But I'm afraid she will need permanent care after that. She can't go home."

"Permanent? You mean, like a nursing home?"


"I know she's made arrangements already," Teresa speaks up softly. "She talked to me about it awhile ago. She knew it would come to this." She looks at Meredith, and takes her hand. "Ellis wants you to finish school and become a doctor, like you planned. I have all the instructions and information you need, as well as tape she made for you."

"But, why couldn't she tell me before this?" Meredith sobs.

Teresa pulls her closer, hugging her. "You know how Ellis is. Keeps everything inside. She only told me because she knew I would be here for you. And she was very happy about you and Derek, believe me."

Meredith sighs and pulls away slowly. "Thanks, Mrs. Shepherd." She takes Ellis' hand and squeezes it, leaning over to kiss her cheek. "I love you Mom," she whispers. Derek takes her hand again, and she looks at him. "I want to stay here awhile, okay? You can go if you want."

He shakes his head. "No, I'll be here as long as you want."

"I'll make sure you're not disturbed," Dr. Webber says as he leaves.

"I'll go, and leave you two alone. We'll have dinner whenever you get home. Bye, dear," she says, kissing Derek's cheek, and then Meredith's, and slipping out the door.

Derek sits in the chair, pulling her onto his lap, and they are content to sit quietly for a while. Meredith plays with her bracelet, finally looking up at him. "What am I gonna do, Derek? I always thought she would be here, even if we argued, or if she didn't seem to have time for me. I can't even remember our last conversation, and now she won't know me anymore. I guess I'm not a little girl anymore, am I? My parents are basically gone, and I have no real family."

He cups her face gently, and smoothes away a tear sliding down her cheek. "But I'm here, and I always will be here. No matter what, even if we fight, I'll be here. You have me, and the rest of my family, even Nancy..." He smiles, tilting his head, his blue eyes warm and comforting. "Even if you get me all aroused, and leave me suffering..."

"Derek!" She swats his chest lightly. "You always make me feel better." She kisses him, letting her tongue trace his lip gently, giving him all the love she has. She settles against him again, and they sit quietly, in the dim light of the room, listening to the hiss and hum of the machines.


Meredith and Derek walk out of Seattle Grace later, and head over to the car. It's dark now, and a fine mist of rain is in the air. As he starts to unlock his mother's car, Meredith leans into him, kissing his ear, and running her tongue along it. He slides his arm around her, capturing her mouth. "Ah, Mer, better get in the car so I can kiss you without an audience," he groans. Opening the door, she slides in and he hurries around to the other side. As he shakes the raindrops off his hair, she moves closer to him. "I love you, Derek. Thank you for being here with me today." She kisses him softly, meaning it to be a light kiss, but he moans deep in his throat and pulls her closer. He feels the slow burn in his groin, spreading like wildfire in his blood.

"I love you, Meredith," he says finally pulling away, but wanting her more than ever.

"Derek, would your mother be really upset if we skipped out on dinner and went to my house?" she asks, admiring how good he looks, his eyes dark and his hair damp from the mist. "I want to make love to you," she whispers, kissing him again. "Now that we're finally alone..."

"Hold that thought - let me call her," he says, reaching for his phone, and within minutes, he's heading out of the parking lot and back to Meredith's. It seems to take forever to get there, with every passing minute he feels hotter and hotter. With every look they exchange, every heated glance, it escalates. By the time he pulls up at the house, she has her seatbelt unhooked and her hand on the door handle.

They race up the stairs, and Meredith fumbles in her purse for the keys, dropping them twice in her hurried attempt to unlock the door. Derek picks them up the second time, dropping them as well, and they both start to laugh helplessly. "In two more seconds, I'm pushing it in," Derek grumbles, finally unlocking it, and they fall headlong into the entrance, kissing, fumbling with clothes, giggling...moaning. Derek picks her up and carries her up the stairs to her bedroom, where he lets her down onto the bed slowly. He backs away and begins stripping his already half-removed clothing.

Meredith watches him, wondering if it's possible to want a guy any more than she wants him right now. Her heart pounds, her breathing is quick and her whole body aches in anticipation of having his smooth skin and hard body next to hers.

"I want you naked," he murmurs, easing down beside her, reaching for the buttons on her shirt, quickly removing it along with her bra. His hot mouth and wet tongue finds her nipple, sending sharp sensations and sweet aching all the way to her toes. Her head falls to the side as she leans back, letting him lick and nibble his way down to the zipper on her pants. He tugs at it, and helps her shift around until she's wiggling out of them.

Meredith feels her arousal building, her body responding to his touch. Everything else falls away except for the moment and how good he feels beside her. "Derek...." she whispers, sitting up and placing her hands on his chest. "Lay back, let me love you now. I want you."

He lays back against the pillows as she straddles him. She leans over him, her hair falling around her face and he reaches up to trace the contour of her cheek, his thumb across her lip. She eases back, feeling the tip of his cock brushing her, and she sinks onto him slowly. "God, yes, Derek... you feel so good....."

He watches her take more and more of him in, and he groans, feeling her surround him. So wet, so hot. He wonders briefly if it's a bad thing to have been thinking of this ever since the plane, then gives up thinking and lets her take control. Meredith lifts up to her knees and then sinks onto him again. "Mer, honey...you feel wonderful..."

With a soft smile, she leans over him again, her nipples grazing his chest, then moving back against so he can see her body connected to his. Her fingers trace the definition of his abs, slick now with sweat. And then she moved faster, moving up and down and flexing her hips, squeezing him with each stroke. Moaning, he tightens his hands at her waist, taking the pace even faster until he has her ass slapping against him, taking all of him again and again. Her breasts bounce, and her head tilts back as she cries out in pleasure. He feels the muscles quivering in her thighs, as she rides him.

Derek can feel his own orgasm building. "Come with me, baby," he urges. His fingers slide between her legs, and to her clit, knowing it will send her flying. When she cries out, he grabs her and pumps into her, arching his hips, going deep with a mind-blowing climax. She falls against him, and he wraps his arms around her, feeling her trembling from the intensity. She kisses his face, his eyes, and finally his lips, before resting her forehead against his. "I love you so much, Derek," she whispers, her voice shaky. "I just needed to do this now, to know we're here together and we're okay."

"I love you too, honey, and I understand." He kisses her temple, holding her tightly. "Whatever happens with your Mom, we're in this together, okay?" He feels her relax against him, and he gently shifts their bodies so they lay side by side, still joined, her heat still pulsing around him.

"Okay," she replies, burying her face in his chest, inhaling his scent, mixed with the sweat and the smell of sex. "Together." Before he can say another word, she's fast asleep, exhausted by all the emotions of the day. Soon enough they will have to join the rest of his family, and deal with all the questions, and the chatter, but for now he holds her and listens to her even breathing, content to have this moment alone.

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