Psalms 3:5 ESV

86 21 4

"I lay down and slept; I woke again for the Lord sustained me."
~Psalms 3:5 ESV

In the nights when sleep is too far to grasp, the Lord will be near. In the nights of peaceful slumber, the Lord will protect us with his righteous hand.

Some nights are peaceful. But some nights are tough. As human beings, we know what both can be like. It's so refreshing to fall into a peaceful slumber after a hard day's work and rejuvenate our bodies with a night of deep sleep.

But every night is not the same. Nights of insomnia and nightmares do happen. Nights of fitful sleep and tossing and turning do occur. But let me encourage you in one thing.

The Lord sustains you on whatever night you experience. When you fall asleep and wake in the morning, it's all because He opened your eyes. Because of His kindness, you have been wakened into a new chance to glorify Him.

When hard nights come upon you and sleep is out of reach, leaning on God is the best way to refresh and ready yourself for a new dawn. Even if you haven't rested physically, you have rested spiritually on God's power to bring you through the darkness.

Remember, it is only by God's power that we have the strength to rise each morning. It is only through His power that we can be brought through the darkness and into the new light of morning.

~Lily (lilyflower1603)

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