Psalm 119:22-24

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Psalm 119:22-24
22 Remove from me reproach and contempt,
For I have kept Your testimonies.
23 Princes also sit and speak against me,
But Your servant meditates on Your statutes.
24 Your testimonies also are my delight
And my counselors

The psalmist in verse 17 of this psalm asked for God to deal bountifully with them so they could keep God's word. He asks God to remove reproach and contempt because He has kept His word. Even those in high authority, those with status in society that people value the opinions of spoke against the psalmist.

At times as Christians, we are in a similar position. Everything seems to be against you. People look at your strangely, call you names, people mock you but our response should be of the psalmist in verses 23-24

We should keep meditating on God's word and making it our delight. If people are your delight you'll feel that pressure to compromise and give up. To be ridiculed and made fun of for your faith is something you can bear if you make God's word your delight. If God is your delight and desire you'll find strength. God's word will be your counsel and direction on what to do. It'll be your comfort and peace. You read how God says His with you and how He sees you and it gives you the strength to bear the mockery. You read how God loves us and when we suffer for His name's sake there are rewards (Matthew 5:12) and it empowers you to keep going.

If you're facing persecution, are scared of persecution or if you are scared of the reaction of others learn to make God's word your strength and delight. It will empower you to do what you can't do. If you find the strength to continue in God's word it will be that for you.


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