Romans 12:11

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Romans 12:11
11 Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord.

Today I'm here to encourage a weary believer. Now isn't the time for the passion you had earlier to disappear. What happened to that fiery you? That you enjoyed spending time with God. That excitement to grow in your relationship with God. That could watch Christian things for hours. That was excited to serve God and go to church.

Maybe you've been feeling a bit cold lately. You don't feel as excited to read the word. You often don't feel like praying and at times spending time with God can feel like a chore for you. Today I want to encourage you to pray. Seek God. Don't grow tired, but remain perseverant.

If you're feeling tired I pray right now in Jesus' name that God renews your strength and gives you the grace to remain on fire for Him.

May your prayer be today" Lord fill me up with hunger for you. Help me to desire you more. Help me to want to serve you and seek you. Revive my heart. Revive me, Lord"

And trust God hears you and a fresh zeal will soon come upon you. For God said if we ask we will receive (Matthew 7:7-8). So you want to be on fire for God? Ask.


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