Psalm 33:6-7

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"By the word of the Lord the heavens were made, and by the breath of His mouth all their host. He gathers the waters of the sea as a heap; He puts the deeps in storehouses."

~Psalms 33:6-7 (ESV)


Many verses throughout the books of the Bible proclaim the fact that God is the Creator of the entire world and the entire universe. The book of Psalms especially is full of praises to God for His marvelous creation. 

When I come across verses like this one and then compare them with the story of the creation account, I am filled with such awe! How many of us can say that we've created something from nothing just by speaking it into existence? Truthfully, none of us can. God created us in His image. So, when He created us, He built in us something that is apart of His image. He has built in us that natural sense of creativity. 

Creativity is a wonderful thing, don't get me wrong, and we can use it to design many beautiful things. But we have managed to taint creativity with sin just like we have everything else in the world. Just as creativity can be used to create beautiful things, it can also be used to create wicked things. Satan will use his power to warp and twist something that is made with beauty and turn it into something wicked and destructive.

We must always be on guard. We must never let complacency overshadow the calling of God on our lives. We must use the creativity we have been blessed with and use it to bring all glory back to our Creator! 


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