James 1:12

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James 1:12
12 Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.

Scripture doesn't say that blessed is the man that gets everything he wants and he receives all he desires but as children of God, we've been commanded to love our God and our love for God is what gives us the endurance to run our race despite the many trials and tribulations we are promised (John 16:33) and what we receive and what we desire to receive shouldn't be limited to earthly blessings that can perish and be taken from us but it should be the crown of life that's promised to us. We should look up to the day our Father will tell us "Well done good and faithful servant"

We should look up to the day that withstood every trial thrown at us and have kept our faith to the very end. Trials will never stop as long as we are on God's team, and we're serving him. They will continue till the time all our days are fulfilled.

I pray that our motivation for resisting the devil and enduring temptation all flows out of our great love and passion for Jesus. Not for this world, not to look good and act self-righteous, not to remain a good reputation to impress man or to feel better about ourselves but let our motivation, let our hearts be pure and may it desire and hunger to please our saviour and walk in His ways and may He gives us this grace.

May we look up to the day when there will be no more pain, no more sorrow when our tears are wiped, and death is no more (Revelation 21:4).

And may this create the desire to soon see our saviour who is coming quickly.

And may we rejoice in this hope!



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