Satan's Tactics of Deception #3 Twisting Scripture ♥️

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The third and final lesson on the tactics of Satan's deception is probably one of his biggest ploys. Twisting Scripture out of its proper context.

Open to Matthew 4 and read verses 5 and 6. Here, Satan twisted the verses of Psalm 91 to his advantage. He used Scripture in an attempt to deceive.

This is one of the most common ways that Satan deceives man. Even in our current days. As I said in a previous lesson, Satan uses the same old tricks on different generations because they work. He will use whatever tactic he can to draw our focus away from the living God. Even His own Word!

We must learn to stay vigilant and armed just like Jesus. As you can read further on in Matthew 4, while Satan uses Scripture to emphasize deceit, Jesus uses it to emphasize truth. Even in his weakness, he battled with the witless worm and won.

You see, even in weakness, when we depend on our Lord, we will achieve victory. When we seek the Lord's strength, we will find the faith to defeat our enemy.

Read verses 10-11. The devil is NO MATCH for the power of Jesus! His attacks will not prevail. In the end, Satan will ALWAYS lose and this is something we must NEVER forget!

Lily (lilyflower1603)

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