The calm before....

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A few hours after The Talk with sunny's mother she and aubrey went to get some food.
Sunny sat in his room alone, bored and a little lonely he got up and walked towards the door of his room and opened it.
Sunny peaked out to see no one around so he snuck out and went to basil's room.
*Sunny knocks on the door*
Basil jerks up
Basil: um come in
Sunny opens the door
Basil's eyes widen
Basil: S-sunny uumm hi
Sunny smiles making basil's heart turn
Basil: mmm how a-are you d-doing..
Sunny: I'm ok
*Sunny sits in the chair next to basil's bed*
Sunny: how are you basil
Basil: well the doctor said I could be released from here in a few days, so I guess I'm fine
*Sunny looks at him in the eyes*
Sunny: I'm sorry basil for everything
Basil is stunned
Basil: ha your sorry last time I checked it seems like I did a lot more damage to you
Sunny: I drove you to the breaking point and for that I am truly sorry
Basil starts to tear up and lunges towards sunny hugging him
Sunny returns the hug
Sunny: it's not your fault I put us all in this situation
Basil hugs tighter
Basil: can we ever return to normal
Sunny: I don't know if we can go back but I hope we can move forward
Basil let's go and sunny does the same
Basil: c-can we ever be the same *basil blushes*
Sunny kisses him
Basil's face is red
Basil: I um will take that as a yes

       *Kel pov*
Kel walk to hero's room, scared to see his brother after his outburst in the hospital
*He knocks on the door*
Kel: hey bro you ok in there
No response
Kel: l-look hero I... I know your pissed but you have to understand, he was just a scared kid
No response
Kel sighs
Kel: I am not going to ask you to forgive him but I won't let you hurt him
Hero: you'd side with a murderer over your brother
Kel: you heard basil it was an accident, sunny shouldn't be-
Hero opens the door, hero looks miserable and angry
Hero: be what killed, hurt or destroyed
*hero walks towards kel while kel backs away*
Hero: he took away my happiness both him and his fucking boyfriend, both of them deserve pain
Kel: What are you saying dude these are our friends what are you thinking bro
Hero: logically I have no obligation to show any empathy towards either of those-
Kel: STOP... I can't listen to this anymore, you've become something else now and I can't watch it
*Kel walks away*
Hero looks down to the ground and whispers
Hero: you won't get away with this sunny

       *Sunny pov*
Aubrey and sunny's mom come back with food and they all eat in basil's room
Aubrey looks at basil
Aubrey: hey basil
Basil: hm what Aubrey
Aubrey: I'm sorry for bullying you and you know, pushing you in the lake
Basil smiles
Basil: thanks aubrey it's nice to know you don't hate me
Aubrey: I I... never hated you, I just was angry at the world, my mom, everything and unfortunately I took it out on you
Basil: it's ok i forgive you
Sunny smiles
Sunny: this is nice
They all look at sunny
Sunny: it's nice to see a slight shine of happiness
Sunny's mother hugs him, starting to tear up
Then aubrey and basil join in on the group hug
Polly walks in with basil's camera and takes a picture of them, They realize and laugh.

To be continued

Im having fun writing this but I have a question for any of those who read my shit. Would you rather I had hero be the main villain of this story or sunny's father, my main two ideas for the story are those but I'm not sure what to pick so if you want tell me your opinion on it.

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