It Was Never OK ( Das Bad Finale)

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OK, OK, OK so umm I at one point wanted to make two endings but completely forgot about it when writing a different story and I didn't want to waste the ideas I had so... Here we ...Go ( shout out to 'poof3r' for reminding me)



*2 minutes earlier*

Sunny is on the floor at the end of his father's gun.
Basil is unable to stop this maniac.
*Sunny Gently touches basil's face*
Sunny: It's ok
Sunny's father: It all Ends with you

Hero stands still watching everything unfold.
Hero: I.....*hero's hand are shaking*
Hero: I...I C-Can't.....*he begins crying and falls to the ground

*Aubrey and kel are knocked out and beaten*
Nothing no one is here to stop it.

Sunny's father: O Y A S U M I



Welcome to...
What kind of space?
How long have you been here?
Who are you?

*A boy wakes up in a completely white room*
The boy look around at his surroundings only to find a shattered laptop and a broken knife.
*The boy looks forward and sees a door*
This boys actions being so slow it seemed Days Go By.
The door is old and wrecked, with a slight push from the boy the door falls to the floor and behind it is a new room that is colorful.
Before leaving the white space the boy looks at a Cat that is almost suffering, did he cause this. The boy decides to leave it since it Can't Be Helped.

Three kids playing cards in front of him, The kids all jump up excitedly.

" Omor- '':%"%*';&*([>%"

*The boy wasn't able to understand that last part*
Aubrey: Hi Sunny
*Sunny looks at the girl curiously*
Kel: What took you so long man we've waited for years
Hero: Well not exactly years but yeah where have you been sunny your sister is worried sick
*Sunny shrugs*
Kel: Whatever let's go find mari and basil so we can all hang out
Aubrey: Wait... but I want to talk with sunny
Hero: You can do that on the way we should go find mari, she'll be ecstatic to see sunny
Aubrey: Mmm fine let's go sunny!
*Aubrey grabs sunny's hand and they follow hero and kel out of the playhouse*
On the way sunny notices random holes in the ground and discolored trees.
Moments Pass and The four get to the park to find it destroyed and no remnants of any life here. Cracks and holes scatter the park and what lies under is just blank.
Hero: Mari! Where are you!
*Sunny stands still unfazed*
Aubrey: Basil's house! Let's check there
The 4 carefully traverse the park and continue down the road to basil's house.
Hero: Oh my, all of basil's plants are missing
Aubrey: I don't like this
Kel: me neither
Sunny: ...
They walk down and find basil's house intact and fine.
*The door slowly opens revealing the flowerboy himself*
Basil: O-oh hey guys what are you doing here I thought we were the...SUNNY!
Basil: Runs up to and hugs Sunny
Sunny: ?
Basil: Oh sorry um it's felt like I haven't seen you in forever heh
*basil scratches his head awkwardly*
Hero: Hey have you seen mari we...can't find her and I'm a little worried
Basil: No I haven't where would she be
*Basil's house crumbles behind them*
Basil: Wha-Wha-What HAPPENED!
Sunny: It appears your house fell
Hero/Kel/Aubrey/Basil: HOW
*The Ground starts Shaking*
Hero: RUN
They all start running as the ground falls beneath them like Shattered Glass.
Aubrey: Guys the ladder to otherworld we can Jump on there
*All of them make it on the ladder and climb up*
By the time they get to the top all that can be heard is...

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