But at what cost

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After the group have fun they all fall asleep except sunny of course, sunny would end up having visions of random things he would also struggle to focus.

Sunny's brain would often trail off thinking about the most random and confusing imagery, then as he lays in bed next to his friends he sees something in the corner of the room.
Sunny's face goes from blank to terrified, the figure is his father
Sunny's father: You...... killed my DAUGHTER
He rushes towards sunny
Sunny screams waking his friends up
Kel: the hell is going on!
Aubrey grabs sunny hugging him
Aubrey: it's ok sunny we're here no ones going to hurt us or you
Sunny looks up at aubrey crying
Basil: What happened
Aubrey: he just started screaming
Kel: are you ok sunny
Sunny refuses to speak
Aubrey notices blood falling from sunny's right eye
Aubrey: oh my god sunny I think you ripped your stitches, let's go to the bathroom so I can fix them
Kel: You know how to do stitches
Aubrey: Its something I picked up while growing up
Aubrey leads sunny into the bathroom and sunny's mother rushes upstairs
Sunny's mother: What happened sunny:
Aubrey: he had a knightmare and ripped his stitches
Sunny's mother: than I have to take him to the hospital
Aubrey: no need I know how to fix them
Sunny's mother hesitates
Sunny's mother: ok but let me help you
Aubrey lifts sunnys eyepatch and removes it revealing his busted and bruised eye
Aubrey winces struggling not to cry
Sunny: it's ok
Aubrey: no it's not!
Sunny's mother: Honey can you tell me if you feel us touching your eye
Sunny: no
Sunny's mother: that's not good the doctor said he should regain feeling in his upper right cranium
Aubrey: Wouldn't he be in pain then
Sunny's mother: yes but that's good so they no his brain is not having internal issues still.
Sunny: can we get this over with please
Aubrey: oh yeah let's do this
They work on his stitches but sunny's mother was getting more in the way than being helpful.
Sunny's mother: Oh hold on that doesn't look right
Sunny's mother: wait wait that could hurt him
Sunny's mother: be a little gentler please
Sunny's mother: ok sto- *aubrey shuts her mouth and gives her a death stare*
Sunny's mother backs off
After a few minutes

Aubrey: Andd done see how easy that was
Sunny's mother: thank you so much for this
Aubrey smiles then looks back at sunny and sees that he fell asleep
Aubrey then picks him up and carried him to bed
Aubrey sets him down and smiles, the innocent boy she thought was gone was still there
Sunny's mother: Aubrey I'd like to say thank you, not just for this but sticking with sunny knowing the truth I know it's hard to understand but....
Aubrey: but what
Sunny's mother: after his father found out his reaction was polar opposite *she starts to choke up* it's the reason he's been locked up
Aubrey: so that's what happened to your husband I always assumed he left like my father did.... but to know he tried to hurt sunny just makes my blood boil
Sunny's mother: everyone reacts in different ways, I'm still surprised from hero how he handled this
Aubrey: ugh don't mention that dick, he had no right to become like that
Sunny's mother: I know I'll struggle to trust him with sunny anywhere but I'll leave that to sunny to figure out, whenever I get myself involved I end up making it worse
Aubrey: Don't put yourself down like that you've done a wonderful job raising him
Sunny's mother: thanks, what was a real shocker for me was finding out he's gay or bi I don't know
Aubrey's eyes widen
Aubrey: w-what are you talking about
Sunny's mother: oh please, your telling me you haven't noticed how those two look at each other
Aubrey: who
Sunny's mother: him and basil
Aubrey feels VERY JEALOUS
Sunny's mother giggles
Sunny's mother: if you still want a chance you better start making moves *she starts walking away
Sunny's mother: I wouldn't mind having grandchildren
Aubrey blushes
Sunny's mother: but I'm not against him with basil soooooo either way works for me
Aubrey: DAMNITT * she says in her head*

The next morning
*Hero pov*

Hero stands outside sunny's house pacing back and forth
Hero: ok ok ok hi sunny um look I'm sorry
Hero: No no that's terrible, hmm ok sunny I am so sorry
Hero: Fuck why is this so hard
Kel: maybe cause you finally feel empathy
Hero sees kel standing with the door open
Kel: look bro I don't know if their ready for you yet... specially aubrey *he mumbles*
Hero sighs
Hero: I know, I don't expect forgiveness but I wanted to say it before court
Hero: kel I'm sorry for beating you down and threatening you
Kel hugs hero
Kel: It's good to have you back hero
Aubrey: whose at the door?
Kel: Go go run
Hero quickly leaves
Aubrey looks at kel confused
Aubrey: Whatever

Somewhere in town

Sunny's father goes into a shady bar, he sits down and slide a picture and 3,000 dollars
The picture was of the detective that arrested him
Sunny's father: I need this man's location
Bartender looks at the picture then goes to the back of the bar, he comes back with a drink and paper with an address on it
Bartender: wait at this location he shall arrive at the time given
Sunny's father thanked the bartender then leaves.

A couple hours later it started raining heavy
Sunny's father arrives at the address given then waits, a few hours later a car pulls up to the alley and the detective exits.
Detective: whose out there, why did you call me here!
The detective pulls out his gun
Suddenly he's shot from behind, sunny's father left his car and stood in the darkness to get the upper hand
The detective coughs up blood
Detective: You rgg how are you out already
Sunny's father kneels down taking the detectives gun.
Sunny's father: It's called having friends in all the right places
Sunny's father shoots the detective in the head killing him
Sunny's father: sorry I don't like killing cops but I know once you found out I was out of prison you'd be an annoyance
Sunny's father calls a few friends of his to get rid of the evidence
Sunny's father: Hm seems like its time for me to come home sunny

*Later that day*

The group were eating dinner
Basil: mm I was hoping we could spend time outside today
Kel: Well there's always tomorrow! *he says with food in his mouth*
Sunny's mother: kel.. that's impolite at the table
Aubrey: yeah must you be so gross
Kel: It's part of my personality
Aubrey: ugh sunny help me out h....here
She looks at sunny who is staring blankly out to nothing
Aubrey nudges him
Sunny regains focus
Sunny: mhm... hi
Aubrey: hi
Aubrey's worrys continue

To be continued

Welp that's it for this, I'm still trying to figure out if this should have a bad or good ending... maybe both, tell me if you'd like two endings. Anyways have a nice day Ta,Ta

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