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Original art by Instagram: 404deus
Edited by Me.... cause i can't draw but I can at least edit a photo

After a month of hospitalization sunny was discharged and the group decided to have a celebratory sleepover.

Sunny's mother was baking cookies with aubrey and kel's assistance while basil and sunny were hanging out in sunny's room.
Sunny and basil weren't talking much but they didn't have to they enjoyed each others presence, sunny was always the one to make the first moves since basil is ......well not the most confident of himself.
Basil: Excuse me I have to got to the bathroom
Sunny nodded and basil left the room
Sunny jumped up and started preparing something for his return
Basil exited the bathroom and headed to sunny's room, when he entered he saw the cutest sight to behold.
Sunny on his bed with cat ears and a tail
Basil blushes madly
Sunny then opens a box of..... POCKY, sunny picks up one and puts it in his mouth while signaling basil to bite the other end.
Basil: But.. But t-the others are here wha-what if the others come in
Sunny sticks his head closer to basil
What basil sees is the most adorable thing human history, sunny with cat ears holding a pocky with his mouth, eyes closed and inviting basil to the other side of it.
Basil finally grows a backbone and bites the other end
The two battle it out until they reach the end of the pocky and finally their lips touch.
The kiss, something basil would put off as an accident, leaving basil blushing and breathing heavy
Basil: Your s-so mean sunny
Sunny smiles
Sunny: whose the one that enables me
Basil hears footsteps going up the stairs and panicks
Basil trying is to cover up what happened but fails as the door opens revealing Aubrey and kel they see the cuteness they were missing out on.
They see cat boy sunny
Basil: act natural *he whispers*
Sunny: ....Meow
Basil face palms
Aubrey/kel: Cute
Sunny smiles proudly


At the edge of town sunny's father enters a shop
Shopkeeper: Hello how are you, what can I do for you
Sunny's father: order for omori
The shopkeeper points to a door leading to the back and hands him a key
Shopkeeper: the box on the third row column five
Sunny's father nods and goes to the box and unlocks it then grins.
The box reveals a revolver and 10 bullets
Sunny's father: daddy just has to finish a few more errands then we'll finally meet again my boy

To be continued

As you can tell I'm having a lot of fun writing this story and enjoy the support so thanks for reading. Also alllll hailllll CATTTT BOYYYY SUNNYYYYY.

Sunny is eye to eye with his greatest rival for basil's attention
The evil doer MEWO
They both partake in a intense staring contest
Mewo: meow
Sunny: Meow!
Mewo: meow
Sunny: Meow!
This continues for five minutes until Basil walks in and laughs then picks up mewo
Sunny is Jealous
Sunny holds his arms out asking basil for the same treatment
Instead basil gives him head pats, sunny starts to purr in response
Basil blushes and looks away
Sunny pouts and feels Neglected

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