The something's offering

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After a few days basil was released from the hospital and a week after sunny was also released.

Sunny left with his mom and was greeted by his friends at the entrance... well except for hero of course.
Kel: Hey sunny how are you doing *he said awkwardly*
Sunny: I'm ok
Kel: I'm sorry hero is acting this way
Sunny: it's ok
Kel: no.. no it isn't hero speaks of you like your some mindless killer, i-its not right.
Sunny puts his hand on his mouth
Sunny: I understand his hatred and I'm willing to suffer the consequences of it
They all look in sorrow at sunny
Sunny's mother takes him to the car but is stopped by basil
Basil: PLEASE DONT LEAVE TOWN *he looks at them with teary eyes*
Sunny's mother looks at him
Sunny's mother: I um....
Basil holds sunny's hand
Basil looks at sunny
Basil: p-please don't leave me again
Sunny looks at his mom
Sunny's mother: I guess I can delay the move if that's alright with you honey
Sunny nods
Sunny's mother: ok well you guys seem hungry how about I treat us all to something to eat
Kel and aubrey: GINOS
Sunny's mother smiles

*Hero pov*

He sits on the ground in his room silent, Behind him on the wall is writing saying
He killed her, you failed her, make it right.
That sentence is repeated all over the wall
Hero stands, he hasn't eaten in days and hears his baby sister in the next room
Then something starts speaking
"He's a threat to her"
*He walks out his room and goes to the living room*
Heros mother: hero can we talk son I need to know what's wrong
Something speaks again
"He's a threat to even her"
*Hero walks away and outside*
Hero's father: what's up bud
Something speaks again
"He's a threat to him"
Hero runs away trying to get away from the something
His parents run to the street yelling his name
Hero keeps running until he sees sunny and the gang walk into ginos
Hero's face warped of happiness turns into a face of fear as the something emerges
The something is omori with a distorted face
"He's a threat to you"
"He's a threat to Kel"
"He's a threat to Sally"
"He's a threat to your parents"
"He's a threat to your friends"
The something repeats itself multiple times
Hero tries running into the woods but no matter what the something is there
The something drops a metal pipe and then drops a switchblade
The something dissipates
Hero looks at them, intrigued

*Sunny pov*
The group sits eating pizza and talking
Sunny sits at the end of the table
Basil is sitting closest to him
Sunny's mother sits on the other side from basil while aubrey and kel sit across from each other at the other end of the table
Kel while munching on his slice of pizza asks
Kel: so Mrs. Lastname, how have you been holding up with all this craziness
Sunny's mother: oh I've managed thank you for asking kel
Aubrey: so will you two be staying here
Sunny's mother looks at sunny
Sunny's mother: well nothings decided yet
Basil: please just stay *he mutters while holding sunny's hand*
The group eat for a while then leave
Aubrey how about we all hang out at the park
Sunny's mother: oh I have to unpack are things at the house so you kids go ahead
Sunny's mother leaves them and the group heads towards the park with aubrey leading them
Aubrey looks back at sunny and basil holding hand and feels slightly jealous
Kel: today has been a nice day for us, just sucks hero isn't here
Both sunny and basil look away ashamed
Aubrey: he'll come around eventually
They make it to the park and decide to go to the hideout
As they walk into it, hero looms behind them holding his weapons
Hero: the time is now I'll save you guys from him, dont worry

To be continued

Dun Dun Dun, that makes the next chapter the confrontation stay tuned and thanks for reading.

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