Chapter 47

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Zelda could see how Link constantly looked at her from the corner of his eyes, undoubtedly making sure she was not in pain or putting too much strain on her body.
     Although she thought it was sweet of him to worry so much, she really felt fine. Her waist was still a little sensitive and she could feel vibrations coursing through her body at every step of her horse, but it wasn't exactly unpleasant, just strange.
     For a big part of the canyon they kept a high pace, alternating between galloping wherever it was possible and trotting across the narrower parts.
     Finally a large stone bridge appeared high above them, and going through one of the arches the world once again opened up before them.
     Zelda took in a deep breath, relieved to be out of the narrow and dark canyon and finally ride across open plains again.
     First she had to follow Link across the bridge where he had slain a Hinox almost three weeks ago.
It still looked as empty as when they had left it, only some small remains of their fire were an indication that they had in fact been here.
'A lot has happened since that night,' Link said, smiling over his shoulder.
Zelda nodded. It was strange to think that it hadn't even been that long ago, because it seemed like ages.
     So much had happened to the both of them, and they could never have guessed what lay ahead.

When they reached the crossroads that led around the Coliseum, Zelda looked down the path to her left.
'Maybe we can go to the stable for a short lunchbreak?' She suggested. 'It's right around the corner, right?'
Link nodded, thoughtfully looking up at the sky. 'I think that would be alright. We could ask for some information from the locals in the meantime.'
Zelda smiled, excited about the prospect of a proper meal and some time to rest her aching body.
Her wounds might be at the right path to recovery, but her muscles were no longer used to horse riding all day.
Side by side they now trotted towards the peaceful Outskirt Stable, where they could see numerous people sitting outside in the pleasant breeze.
It was a beautiful day, with the sun warming their skin in a welcome way, completely different from how it felt in the desert.
After dismounting and quickly taking care of their horses, Link and Zelda took place at a couple of logs next to a fire, with a deep sigh in Zelda's case.
She closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling of her muscles relaxing, as she listened to the branches that moved in the wind overhead.
It was so calm and silent here that she temporarily forgot all about their grave circumstances.
     That was until one of the stable owners came up to them to ask if he could be of service.
     Link asked for some drinks, but before the man could retreat he politely asked for another service.
     'Could you tell me if there have been strange sightings around here?' He asked curiously, gesturing to their surroundings.
The man frowned, not knowing what the knight wanted to hear exactly.
'I haven't seen much other than the direct vicinity of the stable,' he said, 'but you could ask one of them.' He pointed towards a group of Hylians sitting together. 'They arrived this morning, so maybe they saw something on the roads.'
Link nodded and thanked the man, who now quickly retreated inside.
'You really think those people will travel openly across Hyrule?' Zelda asked him skeptically.
Link shook his head, his eyes still fixed on the three Hylians. 'But a group that size is bound to leave some traces.'
He suddenly got up and smiled back at Zelda. 'I'm going to have a chat with them. Stay here.'
She looked after him as he walked away, feeling a little out of place all alone near the fire.
She never doubted that Link would get as much information out of them as he needed, so she set to preparing a simple meal for them to eat.
When Link finally returned the food was long ready, and Zelda had eventually decided to start on her portion, after she had grown increasingly hungry.
Now Link attacked his plate as if he hadn't eaten for weeks, only quickly looking up at Zelda to smile at her.
'They say they didn't see any sign of people traveling west of here,' he said when his plate was empty, 'but they did mention some strange lights in the direction of the Gerudo Highlands.'
An excited grin spread over his face. 'That means we have more time than we thought! They are still in the mountains.'
Zelda nodded, thoughtfully looking into the fire. This was good news.
     She didn't know how the rebuild of Hyrule Castle and its town were coming along, since she had left that in the capable hands of the builders months ago. She hoped that there would at the very least be a strong defence in place, but that probably hadn't been the first priority now that Hyrule was safe again.
     At least that was what they had thought.

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