Chapter Eleven - Ripples

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Prem's Point of View

Seven Months Later...

Work was going well, but the only annoyance was acting clueless around Win. Pretending as though I had no idea about his former romantic relationship with Boun drove me insane. Win's father was our governor and his family possessed power and influence, I didn't want my husband facing a lawsuit or getting into the crosshairs of media drama.

"Here's the budget proposal for the legal team next year." Win explained after entering my office.

" Win explained after entering my office

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Win {Boun's Ex}

"Just place it in the tray." I said as dismissively as I possibly could, "I'll take a look at it tomorrow." I didn't even bother looking up at him.

When I heard Win taking a seat, instead of leaving I finally looked up.

"Is there anything you need?" You cheating, asshole.

"Do you have any idea who I am?" He asked folding his arms across his chest.

"The governor's son and my husband's employee." I said sweetly with a smile.

"Let's not play coy, shall we?" Win chuckled.

I read the contract Boun signed and there was a stipulation.

If Win or his parents admitted to the relationship first during a conversation, Boun would not face litigation.

"Oh, I get it. After reading the first prenuptial agreement you drafted, it all makes sense now." I said looking at Win sympathetically, "This happens sometimes, the employee develops a slight crush on their powerful boss," I shook my head.

"What!" Win exclaimed angrily, "It was not just a crush, we were so much more than that."

"I'm sure in your mind you thought so, it's understandable, and in some situations this infatuation can lead to a balanced long-lasting relationship. But not this time. I'm Mr. Guntachai's husband, and I won't be giving him up."

I stood up and walked around my desk. I sat at the empty chair next to Win.

"Since I know that some one-sided infatuations can lead to poor decision making and impaired judgement, I'll pretend this conversation never happened and not report you to human resources."

I kept my voice soft and kind, while I smiled gently at my husband's former lover. Win looked as though he was about to spontaneously combust.

"But Win, if this obsession of yours with my husband continues, I will have no choice, but to report you and suggest professional help for your mental delusions. Your father is up for reelection, I'm sure something like this wouldn't be good for his campaign." I stared at Win's wedding band, "I'm sure this would put a strain on your marriage as well."

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