Chapter 4

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  Two weeks later Jo was 8 weeks pregnant. Those past two weeks were full of morning sick-ness, sore breasts, and Jo's moods changing in an instant whenever someone did the littlest things that pissed her off. Today Jo had her 8 week appointment. She was excited to see her baby and hear the heart beat again. Jo asked Meredith if she wanted to come to her appointment today because Jo also did not want to go alone. At the hospital Jo was seating in the attendings lounge drinking coffee when Meredith walked in. Meredith said ¨What are you doing?¨ she said towards Jo reaching to grab Jo's coffee out of her hands. Mer then said ¨You should not be drinking coffee your uterus is occupied.¨ Jo then said ¨Why?¨ In a whiny voice. Mer then said ¨It could affect your babies health.¨ Jo responded with ¨I know that but Carina said I could have one cup of coffee a day and it would be safe so I am going to take the coffee in.¨ Grabbing the cup out of Meredith's hand. Meredith then said ¨Fine ONE cup a day but you have to drink this health smoothie too.¨ handing Jo a naked smoothie. Jo grabbed it and said ¨Fine but ONLY one.¨ Meredith then looked at her phone and said ¨Come one we got to go see the baby.¨ Jo let out a groin and walked out of the lounge and towards the OB floor. Jo and Meredith then entered exam room 2. Jo took her pants off and put the paper sheet over her. A few minutes later Carina walked in and said ¨You ready to see your baby Jo?¨ Jo nodded. Carina prepared the probe when Meredith grabbed Jo's hand because she could tell Jo was stressing. Carina then started the ultrasound and the room was filled with a loud thump. Jo and Meredith both looked at the screen in aw. Jo thought how that little thing could be the thing that is making her the happiest. Carina then said ¨The heart beat is strong and the size of the baby is great. Actually the baby is the size of a kidney bean that is why we call it ¨the little bean¨ because of its size.¨ Mer then said ¨Aw it is so freaking cute, for a fetus.¨ Carina then finished the ultrasound and handed Jo the sonogram and said ¨I will see you in two weeks for another ultrasound.¨ Jo could not hear anyone she just stared at the sonogram. Mer then asked ¨Hey, Okay?¨ Jo then said ¨Not really, he should be here holding my hand comforting me telling me to only drink one cup of coffee a day.¨ Jo then let out a sigh and Mer said ¨I know that's how I felt when I was pregnant with Ellis but it is different for you because you know he is out their leaving a life you guys wanted but with his ghost loving EX.¨ Jo and Meredith both let out a giggle. Jo then said ¨Thank you for being here for me. Also I have a couple questions.¨ Mer said ¨What's your questions.¨ Jo then said ¨One can you come to everyone of my appointments if you can and bed their when have it.¨ Mer said ¨Yes of course.¨ Jo then said ¨And can you be the baby's godmother because you are the only person I could think that could be.¨ Mer smiled and said ¨I would absolutely love to be the baby's godmother.¨ Jo then said ¨Okay you have to get back to work so go.¨ Mer then left and got back to work while Jo sat on the exam table with her hand on her stomach. Jo then let out a cry and said to the baby ¨We are going to be fine without your daddy but I know that he loves you even though he does not know about you.¨ Jo thought at that moment that Alex would love this baby so much even if it is a little bean and that she would tell her baby that he loved her or him so very much even though he was not there to tell the baby himself.

(Sorry it took me so long to update my brain was empty until now. This week I might not get a lot out because I have school and I am doing really bad in school right now so I need to focus on school more than the story even tough that is when things pop in my head. hope you ENJOY and please VOTE and COMMENT please.)

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