Chapter Two

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        The next day Jo went to talk to Carina Deluca. Before she told anyone more people she was pregnant she wanted to get an ultrasound to see how far along she was. Jo stepped on the OB floor and found Carina. Jo said ¨Hey Deluca can you um give me an ultrasound?¨ Jo asked in a whisper. Carina whispered ¨Your Pregnant?¨ Jo nodded and said ¨Yeah and you can't tell anyone yet and I don't know how to feel about it right now.¨ Carina said ¨Yeah I can give you the Ultrasound now.¨ Carina told Jo to go to exam room 3 so she can get ready to get the ultrasound. When Jo got to the room took off her pants and put the paper cloth over her. At this point Jo was scared out of her mind and did not know how to feel. She imagined this moment Alex holding her hand saying everything will be okay and that their baby was going to be great but she did not have him to hold her hand and tell her everything was going to be fine with the baby but did not know that. Minutes later Carina comes in and says ¨You ready?¨ Jo nodded and said ¨Yeah¨ Carina nodded and Jo schooced down the table so Carina could put in the ultrasound probe. Carina said ¨Okay there is going to be some pressure.¨ Jo nodded. A couple seconds later Jo winced in a little bit in pain when she put the ultrasound probe. Jo has her eyes closed because she can't look at the screen. It already scared the crap out of her and this did not help but, then there was a quiet thumping sound that filled the room. Jo opened her eyes and looked straight at the screen. Her baby had a heart beat. A strong, quiet heartbeat that made Jo cry. It is her and Alex's baby and he is not here for it. Jo was lost in her thoughts until Carina said ¨Everything looks great and I will see you in a few weeks for another ultrasound.¨ Jo said ¨Okay¨ Then when Carina was leaving the room when she said ¨Jo, I have a lot of single moms as patients and they somehow are strong and better moms then the ones who are in a relationship so you have this and have a lot of people here for you and your baby.¨ After Carina left Jo sat there for a second and looked at the sonogram and took in the thought that in about 7 and a half months she will be holding her little baby and that thought made her feel amazing of how good of a mom she will be to this baby.

(Hope you enjoy this chapter I am going to try to post a chapter a day during this week but next week when I have school I won't be able to update every day.)

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