Chapter 6

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Jo was now 16 weeks pregnant and today her and Meredith were finding out the gender of the baby. Jo was really wanting a boy because Alex always wanted their first baby to be a boy, but Jo thought it was a Girl. Later that day Jo met Meredith in the lounge. She walked in in sweats and a hoodie. Meredith then said ¨Did you just roll out of bed?¨ Jo laughed ¨No it is the only thing that I can wear without my bump showing.¨ ¨Doesn't everyone know?¨ Meredith said. ¨No¨ Jo said ¨I am scared to tell everyone because then when I tell everyone they will be sorry for me.¨ ¨And you don't want them to feel sorry for you?¨ Meredith questioned. ¨No I don't want anyone to feel sorry for me I want them to be happy for me that I am having a baby.¨ Jo said. Meredith then got up and said ¨Okay then let's go find out the gender of this baby and tell everybody.¨ Jo then grabbed Meredith's hand and said ¨Yeah lets go.¨ They both then started walking down to the OB floor when Bailey stopped them and said, ''What are you too talking about when you are suppose to be working.¨ Jo faced Meredith. Meredith then mouthed ¨Tell Her.¨ Jo sighed and said ¨I am 16 weeks pregnant Bailey and I have an ultrasound right now and Mer is coming with me because I cry every time I am alone when I have an ultrasound.¨ ¨Okay Congrats. Is it Alex's baby?" Bailey asked. ¨No I cheated on Alex the day he left.¨ Jo said. ¨Really¨ Bailey said. ¨No It is his baby I found out the day after I got the letter.¨ Bailey then put a hand on Jo's shoulder and said ¨If you need anything I got you even an extended maternity leave okay?¨ ¨Thank you Bailey and I don't think I need an extend maternity leave and You can tell Ben if you want I am telling people today after I find out the gender.¨ Bailey then walked away and turned around. When she turned around she screamed ¨When you are done get back to work!¨ Jo and Meredith both rolled their eyes. They then continued walking to the OB floor. They got into the room and settled in. Carina then Walked in and said ¨Good Morning You ready to find out if the baby is a bambino or a bambina?¨ Jo nodded in response. Carina put the gel on Jo's stomach and put the probe on her stomach. She checks the size of the baby, the heart beat and everything you could check. ¨Okay¨ Carina said ¨You are having a little Bambino!¨ ¨Really¨ Jo laughed. ¨Yep there HE is.¨ Carina said. Jo had tears rolling down her cheeks. She just laid there in the thought that she was having a baby boy until the ultrasound was done. When Carina left Meredith asked Jo if she was okay. Jo responded with ¨He wanted our first to be a boy and it is but he won't be here for it.¨ Jo started to sob so Mer pulled her into a hug. Meredith then said ¨You know you could call him but I know you don't know yet but if you are I would plan to tell him after you have your baby boy because there will be a cute baby keeping him from being mad. Jo and Meredith then went to work and worked all day. Later that night Levi and Jo were talking when there was a knock on the door. Jo got up and opened the door. It was just Meredith, Amelia, Maggie, Link and the kids. Jo said ¨Wow what are you all doing here?¨ ¨We are going to start the baby's corner. We have all of Ellis's old things we are going to start getting ready for baby boy" Meredith said. ¨Fine come in.¨Jo sighed. Meredith and Link started moving things and Amelia, Maggie, and Levi started building the crib. They made Jo sit on the couch and chill with the kids. Zola was talking to the baby while Ellis kept poking at her bump but Bailey fell asleep on the couch. Zola then asked ¨Aunt Jo what are you going to name him?¨ Jo looked towards here and said ¨I have an idea but it is a secret you will have to wait until he is born.¨ Zola sighed and said ¨Fine¨. For the rest of the night they organized the corner talk and ate a lot of food and all Jo thought about is that her son is so loved already and he is not even here yet and that Alex would be all over her in pregnancy just like they are.

(Sorry I took me so long to update I have been busy with school and getting ready for my trip. I am going to Florida this week so there might or might not be and update. I hope you enjoy, Please comment and vote and sorry if it is crappy.¨

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