Chapter 5

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Jo was 12 weeks pregnant which meant that she was at the end of her third trimester. She no longer had morning sickness but sometimes she would throw up from smells and food. Today Jo had the day off and Zola wanted to have the day with her aunt and of course Jo said yes. Zola and Jo are really close and they can be inseparable. Jo had just gotten up so she laid in her bed and looked on her phone. She ordered a couple baby things and storage boxes. Jo finally got up and realized Levi was already at work. She was kind of happy about that because she got to be alone for a little. Jo went to the bathroom and grabbed her toothbrush. She was wearing a sports bra and Nike Pros. After she grabbed her toothbrush she wet it and looked up in the mirror when she noticed something. She turned to the side and looked at her stomach. She noticed a slight curve in her stomach. She had a little baby bump. She put her hand on her stomach and started crying. She was happy that she had a bump but it also hurt because when her and Alex talked about having kids he said that as soon as she started showing that he would start talking to the baby. Jo then pulled herself together and got ready to go get Zola. They were going to Lunch and Target together. For lunch Zola picked McDonald's because it was her favorite fast food place and she knew that her Auntie Jo was craving it. Jo then arrived at Meredith's house. She got out of the car and went up to the house. Jo knocked and Amelia opened the door soon after. She said ¨Jo How are you feeling?¨ Jo then looked at Amelia and said ¨Link told you didn't he.¨ She went ¨Yeah and Zola won't shut up about it.¨ Jo then smiled and said ¨I know Mer says that she wants to plan a gender reveal for me.¨ Amelia laughed then screamed ¨Zola, Auntie Jo is her.¨ Zola responded with ¨One second.¨ Amelia rolled her eyes and said to Jo, ''So are you going to tell Alex about it.¨ Jo said ¨No I don't think so but if I do I think I will wait until after I have the baby.¨ Amelia then said ¨I understand that makes sense.¨ Zola then came running down the stairs. She ran right into Jo's arm and gave her a huge hug. Jo said to Zola ¨You ready to go?¨ Zola said ¨Yeah I have a huge list of things I want to get the baby.¨ she then pulled out a piece of paper with a super long list on it. Jo then said ¨Well we better get going then.¨ They then said goodbye to Amelia and got into the car. They started to drive to McDonald's and both decided to go through the drive thru and eat lunch in the car. They got a 20 piece of nuggets, a large frie, a small frie, and two small vanilla milkshakes. They sat in the parking lot talking and laughing then Zola said ¨Auntie Jo, auntie Amelia has a baby bump. When are you going to get yours?¨ Jo then said ¨Well Zo Zo this morning I looked in the mirror and noticed something.¨ Jo then lifted up her shirt and showed her the little bump. Zola gasped and said ¨You have a baby bump?¨ Jo said ¨Yes¨ Zola then said ¨Can I touch it and talk to the baby? Auntie Amelia lets me do that.¨ Jo said ¨Of course you can.¨ She grabbed Zola's hand and placed it on her bump. Zola then went up the bump and said ¨Hi little cuz. I can't wait to meet you and I am really excited to know if you are going to be a girl or boy. I am kind of hoping you are a girl because Auntie Amelia is having a boy and you guys are going to be really close together. Love you and can't wait to meet you.¨ Zola then looked up to Jo who had a tear dripping down her cheek. Zola asked ¨What's wrong?¨ Jo looked at her and said ¨Nothing I just wished your Uncle Alex was here he would have been so excited to talk to the baby and go shopping with you even though he hates shopping.¨ Zola then hugged Jo and said ¨I miss him a lot, Do you?¨ Jo then cupped Zola's face in her one hand and said ¨I miss him everyday and wish he was here for this.¨ Zola then said ¨I talked to him yesterday.¨ Jo looked at her and said ¨Did you tell him?¨ She said ¨No auntie Jo. If you don't want to talk about it you don't have to.¨ Jo then said ¨No tell me what you guys talked about and it is okay if you talk about his kids.¨ Zola then said ¨Well his kids are really bratty and they throw tantrums when they don't get what they want. They act like they are Ellis's age. Also Uncle Alex asked how you were but my mom ignored him and changed the subject. He then said to me before we hung up is that he misses you.¨ Jo then said ¨Yeah I miss him too. Okay you ready to go to the store.¨ Zola nodded and put on her seat belt. When they got to Target Zola got sucked in by the dollar section. Zola found some slime and gave Jo her puppy dog eyes. Jo told her that she could get it because it was $2.00 dollars. They then made it back to the baby section. Zola ran over to the car seats and told Jo how cute all of them were and which one she should get. Jo then told Zola ¨I am not getting a car seat yet okay.¨ Zola gave her a sad look. Jo said ¨But we can get some baby clothes. So save that list for when we need it.¨ They went over to the clothes section and picked out both girl and boy clothes and some gender neutral clothes. Jo then told Zola that she can pick out a special treat. Zola said ¨I want some candy.¨ Jo responded with ¨Okay then let's go get some candy but you can not tell your siblings got it.¨ Zola then said ¨Got it.¨ They walked over to the candy section. When they got to the candy section Zola just stared at all the candy options and said ¨I don't know what to get.¨ Jo then said ¨Don't you really like the the Airhead rainbow strips.¨ Zola said ¨Yes I want those but I don't see them.¨ Jo grabbed them and said ¨Well they are right here. She then threw the bag to Zola and she caught it. They then checked out and went back to the house. They went into the house and Zola screamed ¨I'm home.¨ Jo then whispered in her ear ¨Go put your stuff in your room so your siblings don't see them.¨ Zola ran up stairs when Meredith ran into the room. Mer said ¨Where is she going.¨ Jo said ¨She is going to put her special things in her room.¨ Mer then said ¨Oh how was she?¨ Jo responded with ¨She was great. She helped me shop for baby clothes and told me all the things that I needed to get for the baby.¨ Mer said ¨Of course she did.¨ Jo then said to Mer ¨She told me you guys talked to Alex yesterday. I don't care it's just she said that the kids were being brats and that Alex asked about me.¨ Mer responded with ¨Yes we did and the last two things were 100% true. The kids bragged and should Zola, Bailey and Ellis all the things they didn't have and Alex asked about you but I ignored him but I heard him tell Zola that he missed you.¨ Jo then smiles and says ¨This morning I woke up and Noticed I had a bump. I told Zola and she talked to the baby.¨ Mer smiled and said ¨You okay about the bump.¨ Jo then said ¨Well I have to be okay with it, it is going to get way better and I also should get used to Zola talking to the baby.¨ Mer said ¨Yeah you should she tries to talk to Amelia's baby every chance she gets.¨ Jo responded with ¨I loved when she talked to the baby it calmed me down about everything but it made me sad because Alex told me all the time as soon as I started showing that he was going to start talking to the baby and it reminded me of him even more.¨ Mer said ¨Do you want her to stop?¨ Jo said ¨No I love that it reminded me of him.¨ Mer smiled then turned around when she heard feet running down the stairs. Zola ran into her mom's arms. Mer said ¨Hey Zo how was your day?¨ Zola said ¨Great.¨ Mer smiled at her. Jo then said ¨Okay I am going to head home.¨ Mer said ¨Okay drive safe.¨ Zola ran into Jo's arms and said ¨Bye Auntie Jo I love you.¨ Jo said ¨Bye love you too.¨ She then walked out her door and got into her car. When she got into the car and looked at the back seat and when she looked back all she could think is that her baby will be sitting back there in about 3 months. She just smiled by the thought of that.

(Sorry It took me so long to update I Have been busy with School and had no Idea what to write about until tonight and wrote a really long chapter some how. Hope you enjoy and please comment and vote.)

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