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The rain pours down in slow motion, each droplet in focus as it falls to the ground. The clouds above are stormy, full of rain. I sit up from my laying position. For some reason, I lay on the ground. I am sleeping outside. I rub my eyes, trying to make myself be awake again.

            “Hello?” I shout.

            Everywhere around me is empty, no houses, no trees. Just emptiness. It is hard to describe what emptiness feels like as it is nonexistent, nothing is there. But it feels lonely but at the same time, crowded. I feel like I cannot breathe even though there s plenty of air in my lungs.

            “Hello?” I repeat.

            Once again, there is no answer. I step forwards, glancing at my feet to see I am wearing no shoes. Even though the ground does not look particularly soft, it is not hurting to press my soles against it.

            Jayden stands in front of me, suddenly, appearing from nowhere. My breath is taken from me at the sight of him. Even a few weeks without him has been forever. I lunge at him, throwing my arms around his neck. A laugh that isn’t like his usual laugh slips from his lips. Still, I say nothing. I am just so glad to be back with Jayden.

            His eyes turn yellow and then black, a pit of emptiness. There is no pleasure in his eyes, no happiness to see me again as if I never meant anything to him in the first place. From his back, he grabs a sword. With a devilish smile, he blows on the sword, raises it higher and slams it straight through my gut in an instant.

            The last thing I see is his eyes returning back to blue.


“Ana!” Ever shouted from above me. I blinked to get my vision back from the horrible nightmare I had. “What was that about? You were screaming in your sleep.”

            “Nightmare,” I coughed, wiping some sweat from my brow. “The usual nightmare of dying, you know. This time, Jayden killed me, though.”

            A flash of something appeared in Ever’s eyes. “You know Jayden would never do that.” Ever closed her eyes. “But Death might.”

            “What?” I said after hearing the muttered part of her words.

            Ever shook her head, opening her eyes again. She grasped my hand, lifting me from the bed I was in. “It’s nothing. You’re fine, just relish in that fact. Guess who else is fine?”

            “Hollie?” I questioned excitedly, the nightmare already pushed to the back of my mind.

            “Yes, Hollie,” Ever answered. “We should go to see her, don’t you think?”

            I nodded as I pushed my hair behind my ears, trying to get more air to my face so that the sweat would start to leave. I was overheating in that room and needed to get out. It was the fourth time that week where I had a nightmare like that one. All of my nightmares involved me dying at the end with Jayden involved somehow.

            The thought of seeing Hollie made me more gleeful after such a nightmare. That one had been the worst, seeing Jayden’s blue eyes glaring into me as he killed me. Ever was still holding onto my hand and I had to let go. Girls like Ever didn’t want someone with clammy hands clinging onto them. Neither would I, if I was honest.

            “Hollie,” I called when I was at the bottom of the stairs.

            Hollie ran out, looking as she usually did with bright cheeks and a cheerful smile. No trace of possession was in her features and she looked as beautiful as she usually did. I hugged her tightly when she was close enough to me. Not wanting to lose her again, I didn’t want to let go.

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