April Fool's

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You smirked as shrieks of terror echoed throughout the Matsuno household. Ah, April 1st, a truly wonderful day. You'd pay for it later, though.

"THE FUCK IS THIS?!" You heard Karamatsu shriek like the little girly boy he is.

"I suspect (Y/N)! Hey, Ichimatsu! Go get her so we can start the interrogation!"


You sat up as he walked into the room, giving you a cold stare. "What?"

"(Y/N), that was brilliant." He waved the picture of Nicolas Cage in front of your face. "But you will not make it through the day unscathed." He turned on his heel and left, and you anxiously awaited the next prank to be discovered.

"MY PHONE!" Ah, here we go. "(Y/N), GO DIE!" Todomatsu nearly broke the door down, pointing at the crack in the screen and wailing.

"Ugh, Totty. It's just a sticker." Choromatsu peeled it off. "You're pretty good at this, (Y/N)."

"MY EYES!" Jyushimatsu screamed. That was your cue to hide.

"What?!" Choromatsu shrieked as he slid back into the main room. "My magazines!"

"Well hello there, Karamatsu girls." Karamatsu winked at the pictures.

"Lesbians are so hot," Osomatsu declared. "This isn't a prank, it's amazing."

"Three, two, one."

"NOOOOOO!" he yelled, dropping a tiny slip of paper. "MY WINNING TICKET JUST SAYS 'APRIL FOOLS'!"

"Hey, my ticket to the concert is fake, too!" Choromatsu crumpled it up with a whine.

"Muscle, muscle! Hustle, hustle!" Jyushimatsu froze, watching his baseball float out the door. "Where is the ball going?"

"It's filled with helium," Ichimatsu sighed. "I don't know how that's possible, but it is."

"My sunglasses! I can't see out my sunglasses!" Karamatsu staggered around, slipping on a bottle of black nail polish.

"I dread the next few hours," Todomatsu whispered.

You just laughed evilly.


"Oh, (Y/NNNN)!" one of them sang. "Come herrrrre!"

"I'm not falling for that!" you shouted.


"Fine." You walked into the room, wielding a chair like a shield. "What?"

"Hi." All six of them stood in a row, and your eyes narrowed.

"Something's not right here."

"What do you mean?" Todomatsu asked.

"I mean I sense something is different about you." You tried to pinpoint the source, to no avail.

"Muscle, muscle! Hustle, hustle!" Karamatsu took out Jyushimatsu's baseball bat. "(Y/N) is target practice!"

"Shit." You ran for it, and they followed you with huge grins.

"Muscle, muscle! Hustle, hustle!"

"Isn't one Jyushimatsu enough?!" you yelled.

"That's Juicymatsu to you, (Y/N)!"

"No, Juicymatsu-sama!"

"The horror!" Your back hit a wall, and you sighed in frustration. "This is how I die."

"Muscle, muscle! Hustle, hustle!" They were closing in from all sides now.

"Hey, wait a minute!" You stepped forward, making them step back. "You're not Todomatsu."

"Hey, how dare you!" 'Todomatsu' shouted.

"Ugh, not only are you all acting like Jyushimatsu," you facepalmed, "you swapped clothes?"

"Nuh uh!" 'Osomatsu' pouted.

"Yeah! Osomatsu has two hairs that stick up on the right, Karamatsu has two on the left, Choromatsu's hair is always neat, Ichimatsu's is all scruffy and has two hairs on the right like Osomatsu, Jyushimatsu has one hair and is always smiling, and Totty has two hairs on the right like Osomatsu, a cat grin, and different eyes!" You crossed your arms with a smug look. "Nice try, though."

"That's creepy, dude." The real Osomatsu looked down at his pink hoodie. "It was worth a shot. Alright, let's change back." They nodded in agreement, pulling them over their heads.

"Hey, not in here!" You backed away in horror.

"Oh, hush, (Y/N). We're all guys. It's not like we're taking our pants off or anything."

"Actually, we were prepared for that too. See?" Choromatsu showed that he was wearing Jyushimatsu's shorts. "Better run."

"You stupid NEETs!"

"It's not like we swapped underwear, right (Y/N)?" Karamatsu made a hand gesture like he was shooting a gun.

"Or did we?" Jyushimatsu asked innocently.

"OH GOD, I AM SO OUT OF HERE!" You turned to make a break for it, only to run straight into Ichimatsu.

"(Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N)," he shook his head, "don't act like you don't want to see me like that."

"I-I..." You ran out of words to say as he trapped you between him and the wall.

"What, cat got your tongue?" He chuckled at his joke as he grew his cat ears.

"Uh oh," you whispered. "Ah, maybe we could talk this ou-"

"Nope." Ichimatsu's cat tail wagged. "Meow. Happy April Fool's Day, my kitten."

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