Fair Enough

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"IIIIIIIIII GOT A JOOOOOOOOB!" Osomatsu sang, prancing in as elegantly as an elephant.

"Were you in a porno?" Jyushimatsu asked.





"Now, now, Jyushi." Ichimatsu patted his head. "We all know he isn't decent-looking enough to do any of those things."

"Hey, that's insulting all of us and yourself!" Todomatsu pointed out.

"And me!" Jyushimatsu waved. "Hi!"

"Not me!" you cheered.

"ANYWAYS, imma work as a salaryman!" Osomatsu grinned.

"Uh, congrats?" Choromatsu raised an eyebrow. "You sure you can handle something like that?"

"Psh, you underestimate me, little brother! I'm going to be the best salaryman in the whole world! My first day starts at six-thirty tomorrow morning!"

"You aren't used to getting up that early, you think that's a good idea?" Todomatsu bit his lip. "It doesn't sound good to me, but we can't stop you. Well, I'm gonna go see (F/N), bye!"

"They seem to click," you mused. "I'm glad I introduced them to each other."

"I can't believe this. First I have a girlfriend, then Shittymatsu is gay-"

"Bi!" he shouted.

"-bi, and some girl likes Totty. Our whole world has been turned upside down." Ichimatsu clutched his head. "What is happening to us?"

"Obviously we're graduating from being lame virgin NEETs to slightly less lame virgin NEETs," Choromatsu explained.

"Maybe some of us could fix the virgin part," Karamatsu smirked. "(Y/N), little brother, have you been thinking much about that?"

"H-hey, that's private!"

"Oh, you mean sex!" Jyushimatsu shouted. "You're gonna have sex!"

"NO WE ARE NOT!" You covered your face. "Please shut up!"



"Well, can you at least tell us what it's like?"

"FUCK NO!" You ran outside, covering your face.

"Why must you hurt us this way?" Ichimatsu groaned, running after you.

"Are they gonna use protection?"

"Shut up, nii-san."


"Glad to get the hell out of there!" you sighed. "Sometimes your brothers are too much for me to handle."

"Yep. Twenty-some years and I still haven't learned how to," Ichimatsu agreed.

"Do you ever feel like it sucks to be you sometimes? I do."

"You bet! Remember when you were the first to acknowledge me as an individual, not a carbon copy of my brothers?" He held your hand.

"Yes," you nodded.

"I think that's when things started sucking less for me. I mean, obviously when you showed up, but that moment." He looked up at you, but then he looked down. "Look!"

"What?" You looked down as well. "Oh."

You were standing on the bridge where you'd met, where you were about to jump.

Forever - Ichimatsu Matsuno X Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now