The Five Demons

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"(Y/N), I'm missing one of my baseballs. Did you see it?" Jyushimatsu lifted up the couch cushions.

"Don't you have, like, two hundred of them?"

"No, a hundred ninety-nine now." You rolled his eyes at his reasoning.

"Ha!" Ichimatsu kicked the door open, carrying something. "Lock it, lock it, lock it, (Y/N)!"

"Why?" you asked, doing so. "Is someone coming after you?"

"Not one, four," he corrected, tossing the thing in front of you.

"What do you have?" You picked up a blue shirt. "Oh no." You threw it, hitting Jyushimatsu in the face. "You didn't."

"Oh yes I did! Hide me."

"You idiot!" You stared at the three sets of shirts and four sets of pants in shock. "How?!"

"Well, I left the bath house early, so I figured I'd get back at them for making fun of me earlier." He kicked them with a smirk. "Nice, huh?"

"You magnificent bastard," you replied. "How soon until they get here?"

"Oh, probably right now."

"OPEN THE DOOR, YOU FUCKING DEMON!" The door didn't seem sturdy enough to last a while.

"Dammit! Come on!" Ichimatsu yanked you into the closet, tripping over some items.

"AHA!" Osomatsu slammed his shoulder against the door, breaking a hole in it for his arm to turn the lock. "WHERE IS HE?!"

"LET'S GET HIM!" Karamatsu cracked his knuckles. The four of them were only wearing towels around their waists. "Jyushimatsu, have you seen our satanic brother?"

"Ah, nope!"

"Whew," Ichimatsu sighed in relief.

"Aw, really?" Todomatsu crossed his arms. "He couldn't have gotten far!"

"Yeah, I haven't seen him!" Jyushimatsu shook his head. "He didn't come home! I haven't seen him since earlier today! Nope, no nii-san!"

"You son of a-" You covered your boyfriend's mouth, shushing him.

"Jyushimatsu," Choromatsu warned, "do you have anything you'd like to tell us?"

"No, why?" He tilted his head.

"Really? What if I gave you this?" Karamatsu rolled his missing baseball back over.

"Or this?" Todomatsu stuck a lollipop in his hand. "All you have to do is tell us where he went."

"Closet!" Jyushimatsu chirped, hugging the baseball.

"I swear to god, I will kill him!" Ichimatsu whispered as the door opened.

"Where is he? I don't see him!" Choromatsu looked around, scratching his head. "Guys, he's not there!"

"Jyushimatsu, you said he was in the closet!" Osomatsu sighed.

"He was, I watched him go in there!" Jyushimatsu looked baffled. "Did he sneak out when you came in?"

"He must've. Thanks, nii-san." Todomatsu lead them off to their room. "Maybe he's in here."

"Stupid brothers." Ichimatsu uncovered you. "Good thing these jackets were in here."

"No kidding." You sat up, peering through the crack in the door. "He's still there."

"Oh, come on! We're going to be stuck in here forever!"

"He's not in the house!" Osomatsu announced. "What now?"

Forever - Ichimatsu Matsuno X Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now