It's (Not) Good to Be Back

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"I'm not sure what to do now." Jyushimatsu slumped over. "I know I can't stay here, but I'm afraid of going back home. It's just really sad, you know? What should I do?"

"I think that's your own decision to make." You gave him a shaky smile. "We'll still love you."

"I love you too, (Y/N) nee-san. I should check up on them at the very least. I wish you good luck, okay?" He nodded once, opening the door. "I'll see you as soon as possible." And he was gone.

"I'm worried." Ichimatsu squeezed your hand. "If he crashes, he crashes hard. What should we do?"

"I think we just wait and see what happens. He'll be fine, your brother is pretty strong."

"Still worried, but that makes me feel a little better." He sighed softly. "I love him so much."

"I know, we all do. Do you think maybe we could go over there and try to work it out?" You braced yourself for his angry reaction.

"Why?! They rejected me! Their own freaking brother, rejected!" He got in your face. "What are you thinking?! My god, you can be so stupid sometimes! Why would you ever think that would work?!"


"You...oh no." He pulled you into a tight hug, mumbling apologies. "I'm sorry, (Y/N), I'm sorry. I'm a jerk, I know."

"It's okay, you're just frustrated right now. We don't have to if you don't want to." You wiped a tear from his eye.

"No, you're right. I should at least try to." Ichimatsu stood up, holding his hand out. "Shall we?"

"We shall." You stood up as well, taking a deep breath. "Let's do this."

"WHO NEEDS A RIDE?!" Jyushimatsu shouted, smashing the door. "I HAVE AN IDEA! LAY DOWN ON YOUR STOMACH!"

"Er, okay?" You watched him suspiciously over your shoulder.

"Yay! Now grab nii-san's hand really tight, don't let him go!"

"For the record, I have no idea what's going on." Ichimatsu shrugged, taking your hand. "It's bound to be interesting if he's involved."

"Good! Now remember, don't let go or else!"

"What does or else mean?!" you asked frantically as he picked you up.

"Or else my ride will leave, too! Now then!" Jyushimatsu picked you up with his left arm, and his brother with the right.

"W-wait a minute!"

"LIFTOFF!" He threw you forward, and it was like you were an airplane.


"I DON'T FUCKING KNOW!" Ichimatsu screamed with a higher pitch than you had. "DON'T LET GO OF ME!"

"WOULDN'T DREAM OF IT!" A whizzing sound entered your ears. "WHAT IS THAT?!"

"HA!" Jyushimatsu sprang up, putting on foot on each of your backs. "COWABUNGA!"


"NEE-SAN'S HAIR IS FUNNY!" He petted your hair, which was plastered back against your head. "SOFT!"



"We're here!" Jyushimatsu jumped down, not a scratch on him.

However, you were trying to pull your head out of the pavement. "I changed my mind," you spit concrete out of your mouth, "you're the only nice one now."

"Even I agree, and I can be pretty mean." Ichimatsu brushed his shirt off. "Wow, look at the crater we made. We can always hide in here if things don't work out between me and my brothers."

"Maybe later." Jyushimatsu had already shattered what used to be the door, so you carefully stepped over the splinters.

"(Y/N) nee-san! And...Ichimatsu nii-san." Todomatsu tossed his phone onto the couch. "Oh."

"'Oh'?" You backed him against the wall. "'Oh'? Your brother gets off his lazy ass, walks all the way out the door, gets nearly obliterated when Jyushi goes into hyper speed and breaks the sound barrier, comes to hopefully apologize or at least be on good terms with you, and you say 'oh'? 'OH'?!"

"Oh...okay?" he squeaked.

"Smooth move, Totty," Osomatsu mumbled.

"And you!" You turned to face him. "You need to get the stick out of your ass and give an apology that isn't half-assed!"

"Eep! Forgive me. Ichi-sama!" He bowed down. "I am only dirt in the shadow of your greatness!"

"Did you-" Ichimatsu looked baffled. "Did you just scare him better than me?"

"I think so." You watched the eldest grovel on his hands and knees. "Awesome!"

"(Y/N), Ichimatsu?" Karamatsu held out his hand. "Still friends?"

"Still friends." You tried to shake it, but he turned it into a fistbump. "Okay then."

"Don't forget your high-five!" Ichimatsu jumped up and slapped him in the face.

"You jerk!" He picked up his broken shades. "You hit me and broke another pair!"

"I didn't hit you," he responded coolly, "I high-fived your face. Also, apology," he punched Osomatsu and Todomatsu, "accepted. Terms and conditions may apply."

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