Would You Believe in a Love at First Sight?

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Trigger warning: Self-harm mention.

"When did you first start loving me?"

"Hmm?" Ichimatsu looked up with a sleepy gaze.

"When was the exact moment you loved me?"

"Ah, that." He put on a thoughtful expression. "Well..."

"You're not like the others, are you? You aren't afraid."

"I guess not," you mumbled. "I've seen plenty of things scarier than you. And I really don't think you're losers, okay? Losers wouldn't have parents kind enough to keep supporting them this far down the line, or brothers that care."

"(Y/N), if they cared, I wouldn't be here right now, right? I bet they don't even notice me gone, they'd have to count each other."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean..." his voice wavered, "we're identical sextuplets."

"Really?!" You scooted away from the rail. "What are the chances of that occurring naturally?!"

"Okay, so you are like everyone else in that sense. Always freaking out, going on about how cool it is to have siblings that look and act exactly like you. Well guess what? It's-"

"I didn't say that," you interrupted, "you aren't all the same person. You have different personalities and interests, right? It's not like you're clones."

"You...you really think so?" Ichimatsu whispered. "Everyone else thinks we're the same, and they treat us the same."

"So right then and there when you recognized me as an individual, I realized you were special." He folded his hands in his lap.

"Wow, I don't know what to say." You turned away.

"Maybe you should tell me the exact moment you loved me."


"Have you...have you still been cutting?" You glanced at his arms hesitantly.

"No, not for a while." He rolled up his sleeves to reveal no fresh wounds. "I stopped when you showed up."

"R-really? You've been clean for...nearly three weeks. I'm proud of you."

"What about you?"

You shook your head. "Same as you!" you announced cheerily.

"Great. You know, (Y/N)," Ichimatsu turned to you, "it's because of you that I've been clean."

"Really? It's because of you as well," you smiled. "It's good to have someone that understands you."

"Yeah," a ghost of a smile crossed his face, "it really is." His hand wrapped around yours, and you looked down in shock.

"Ichimatsu, why did you cut?" He didn't respond. "I'm sorry, that was rude of-"

"I'm lonely," he turned to you. "My brothers are terrified of me, and for good reason. It's fun to scare them, but...sometimes I want to be treated like a human being." Ichimatsu swung your arm. "I don't have friends, I'm alone. I said I don't want friends, but really, I'm afraid to get close to people, and I might not meet their expectations. What if they get tired of me? Who would I have then, my brothers? They don't get it."


"I have nobody," a creepy smile crossed his face, "because I don't deserve anybody."

"But you have me," you replied.

Ichimatsu looked up, surprised. "You wouldn't get tired of me and leave?"

"I won't if you won't."

"Oh." He grasped your hand tighter, looking down. "That's-that's good."

"Ichimatsu, are you crying?!" You tilted his head up.

"N-no! I don't cry!"

"There's something I've learned from all this." You took his other hand. "It's okay to cry."

"Yeah, but..." Ichimatsu sniffed, the buried his face into your shirt.

"It hurts, I know it does!" You had tears streaming down your face as you held him. "I know..."

"I remember that!" Ichimatsu sat up quickly. "I-I wasn't sure about my feelings for a while, but after that I knew you were the only one for me."

"Did you ever think you'd have anyone?"

"No, I had no reason to believe that. Did you?" he asked, already knowing the answer.

"No, but I'm glad I changed my mind." You smirked as he nuzzled your hand, obviously wanting attention. "Come here, you."

"Tch." He complied, plopping his head in your lap. "Th-there."

"You could just ask, you know."

"Can't. Too embarrassing."

"I'll do it anyways." As soon as you scratched behind his ears, he melted in your lap. "It's worth it, right?"

"Oh god, yeeeeessss," he hissed.

"So. Freaking. Cute."

"I'm not cute!" he shouted, only to be silenced when you pulled his ear.

"How you feeling?"

"So good," Ichimatsu purred.

"That's creepy," Karamatsu remarked from across the room.

"Stuff it, Shittymatsuuuu-ooh, right there."

"I do agree, he is kinda cute when he isn't screaming at me."

"Shut up! Oh, a little lower. To the left. Right there! Yeah, that's nice." He really did look like a cat, and you laughed. "What's so funny?"

"You're Ichicatsu."

"Okay, that's it." He slid off the couch. "Can't take your terrible sense of humor anymore, I'm out of here."

"Hey, wait!" you cried.

"I'm leaving you for Jyushimatsu, (Y/N)!"

Karamatsu stepped out of the way as you played a game of chase. "Heh, who's painful now?"

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