Don't You Forget About Me

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"WHAT THE FU-" you cried, tumbling out of bed. "WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM, JYUSHIMATSU?!"

"GOOD MORNING, VIETNAM!" he announced. "It's a new day!"

"New days suck!" Ichimatsu whined.

"Silly nii-san!" He hopped on the bed.

"Good day, sunshine
Good day, sunshine
Good day sunshine!

I need to laugh, and when the sun is out
I've got something I can laugh about!
I feel good, in a special way
I'm in love, and it's a sunny day!

Good day, sunshine
Good day, sunshine
Good day, sunshine!"

"Wow, Jyushimatsu! You're really good!" You perked up instantly.

"He is, isn't he?" Ichimatsu agreed.

"I was listening to Karamatsu nii-san play, and I thought it sounded happy! I thought maybe you deserved some happy." He sighed sadly.

"Thank you for thinking of us, Jyushi." You patted him on the head. "I got some juiceboxes for you."

"JUICE?! YESSSSS!" Jyushimatsu scampered off.

"He really likes you, (Y/N)."

"Nah, I think he just really likes juice," you laughed.

"That too. What would you like to do today?"

"Have a lazy day," you replied. "I don't feel like being productive today."

"Hey, same here! Let's do it!" Ichimatsu punched the air. "Well actually, we should get some stuff for Snowball."

"Oh my goodness, you're right!" You saw the kitten under the bed, meowing. "I've had her for less than a day and I didn't feed her! I'm a bad mom!"

"Nononononono, I just gave you a cat out of the blue! I should've found food or something!" he exclaimed. "She's going to hate me!"

"No she isn't, you've taken care of her already. She wouldn't do that to you."

"I guess you're right. Well, to the pet store!" He pointed like Phoenix Wright.

"Allon-sy!" You grabbed his arm and ran out the door.

"Hey guys, I found..." Jyushimatsu trailed off, dropping the juicebox. "Guys?"


"What color collar should we get?" You stared at the rainbow of collars, feeling pretty overwhelmed. You'd been in the mall for hours, just talking and looking around.

"Uh, give me a minute." A minute turned into ten, and Ichimatsu finally tapped your arm. "How about this one?"

"Let me see." You examined it. It was black, which would look kind of cool with a white cat. "It's reflective, too?"

"Yeah, so people will see her in the road," he explained. "Also, see the little bell?"

"It's adorable! We'll get it." You put it with the food, food bowls, and cat toys. "Are we ready?"

"Yeah, I think we are." He zoomed to the checkout like an excited child.

"Uh, what are you doing?" you asked.

"The sooner we get done, the sooner we can see Snowball again!"

"Oh, good point." You carried the bag as you two walked back to your apartment. "You didn't have to pay for me, you kn-ooh, ice cream!"

Forever - Ichimatsu Matsuno X Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now