The Ichi-Bat Incident

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"(Y/NNNNNNNN)!" Jyushimatsu tackled you off the couch. "Let's play let's play let's play!"

"Uh, play what?" You tried to wiggle out from underneath him.


"Of course." You shook your head at Ichimatsu as he hissed.

"Yayyy! Nii-san can play too!" Jyushimatsu slapped his long sleeves together. "Please?"

"Oh, alright! I'll go get the rope." Ichimatsu shuffled off with a sigh.

"Does he do this voluntarily?" you asked.

"Yep! Karamatsu nii-san said it's because of his 'masochist tendencies'. I don't know what that means, though. Oh well!" Jyushimatsu picked up his bat as Ichimatsu came back with the rope.

"Masochist boyfriend," you muttered.

"We're ready, (Y/N)!" You followed them, shaking your head.

"One! Two! Three! Four!" Jyushimatsu swung the Ichi-bat, practicing.

"Why me?" you whispered.

"(Y/N), pass me the ball!" You gave it to him, raising an eyebrow. This should be interesting.

"And one!" Jyushimatsu tossed the ball in the air, hitting it. Ichimatsu grunted as the ball came in contact with his chest. "Ah, home run!" He dropped the Ichi-bat, making the purple brother hit his head.

"Be careful with your brother!" You picked up the bat with a good bit of effort. "Holy crap, you're so heavy!"

"Well excuse me, Miss 'you-are-not-fat'," he shot back.

"Alright, alright. Here, take this." You handed the Ichi-bat back to Jyushimatsu.

"Thank you!" He kept hitting balls from a huge basket. Heaven knows why he had a huge basket of baseballs. "Home run!"

"Yay." Ichimatsu looked a little dizzy. "That's fifty so far."

"Fifty?!" you shrieked. "That's crazy! At least give him a break!"

"Oh. Nii-san, do you want to take a break?" Jyushimatsu asked.

"Uh, no. I'm fine," he answered. "Proceed."

"See? Okay, let's go for another home run!"

"Why is he putting up with this?" you asked yourself. "Was Karamatsu serious about the masochist thing?"

"Shoot, I ran out of balls!" Jyushimatsu pouted. "Give me a bit, I'm gonna go get them!" He picked up the basket, running off.

"So, Ichi-bat," you began.

"Ichi-bat?" Ichimatsu sent you a confused look. "Is that what I am now?"

"Sure. So Ichi-bat, why do you let your brother do this?"

"He's my brother, and I love making him happy," he replied.

"That's sweet of you, but is there any other reason? Um, do you like getting hurt?"

"Wha?!" His jaw dropped. "You...I-I..."

"Sorry, I was just wondering if Karamatsu was right," you mumbled.

"W-wait, (Y/N). You love me, right?"

"Yes, of course!" You rolled your eyes.

"No matter how strange I am?" Ichimatsu looked hesitant.


"Will you tell anybody about what I'm about to tell you?" He seemed to be relaxing a bit.

"No way." You shook your head. "It's your business, there's no way I'd tell."

"Alright, so (Y/N)...I-I do have a thing for-for pain," he stuttered. "I'm-I'm not sure how it st-started, but all I know is th-that know." He squeezed his eyes shut.

"Okay," you replied.

"What do you mean, 'okay'?! I just told you I'm a freak! You're supposed to be disgusted with me! Run off or something!"

"I already told you I'd always love you no matter what, stupid!" You facepalmed. "I just wish you'd believe me sometimes."

"Well, I-"

"I'm back!" Jyushimatsu jumped between you two. "Did something happen while I was gone?" He tilted his head in confusion.

"No, we're fine." Ichimatsu stood up. "Let's get back to what we were doing."

"That's the spirit!" He picked up the Ichi-bat. "One hundred-one, one hundred-two, one hundred-three!"


"We're home! Muscle, muscle! Hustle, hustle!" Jyushimatsu burst through the door, his uniform all dirty.

"Welcome back. Wait, what?" Karamatsu did a double-take. "(Y/N) was with you guys?"

"Yeah, why?" You crossed your arms.

"It means you have proof that he-"

"Shut up!" Ichimatsu threw a baseball at his head. "Stupid Shittymatsu," he murmured as he untied himself. "I'm going to bed."

"Nii-san?" Jyushimatsu watched him leave. "You upset him, didn't you?"


"Wait here, I'll be back." You jogged up to their room, knocking on the door.

"Go away."


"Ugh." Ichimatsu opened the door with a scowl. "What do you want?"

"May I come in?" you asked.

He nodded once, stepping aside. "Why?" He sat next to you on their futon.

"Why what? Why don't I care that you're a masochist?" You laughed once. "I like you for who you are, it doesn't bother me."

"You aren't just saying that?" he asked.

"Nope! I'll never tell anyone, it's our little secret."

"Hmm." He smiled brightly, wrapping his arms around your waist. "Thanks."

"Anytime, but don't think I won't forget about it in the future."

Forever - Ichimatsu Matsuno X Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now