Better This Way?

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"What have we done?" Osomatsu whispered.

"What have we done?! What have you done?!" Todomatsu growled.

"Shut up, Totty! Not everything is about you!"

"Guys?" Choromatsu took a step back.

"Yeah? Well, it seems like it! 'Look at me, I'm all high and mighty 'cause I got a job unlike my brothers!'" Karamatsu butted in.

"You're one to talk, painful! Talking about all your Karamatsu girls like you're some higher power! We're just dirt to you!" Osomatsu shook with anger.

"At least I'm not some lazy-ass that sits around and doesn't even try!" Choromatsu chimed in.

"You're also one to talk, Fappymatsu! At least I don't lie about getting a job when I'm actually in our room jacking off like a loser!"

"You do it too, dumbass!" Choromatsu and Osomatsu were touching foreheads. "At least I have the greatest chance out of all of you to actually get a girlfriend!"

"Excuse me, I was surrounded by sorority girls until you ruined everything!" Todomatsu joined them.

"That's what you get for going behind our backs!"

"Shut the hell up, Karamatsu! You're gayer than Freddie Mercury! Why should we listen to you?!"

"Excuse me, I am your elder!"

"Yeah, by a few minutes, loser! You deserve to be an older brother as my ass hair is on fire, you dick!"

"Well I wish I was an only child, I hate you all!" Osomatsu hissed.

"I hate you more!"

"Right back at ya!"

"Well, you can go fu-"

"QUIET!" Everyone jumped at Jyushimatsu's outburst. "Listen to yourselves! What's the matter with you?! This isn't what brothers do, you're supposed to love each other! How dare you stoop this low?! And don't you realize what you've done to Ichimatsu nii-san?! Have you forgotten about how depressed and insecure he is?! (Y/N) was right, you're the worst brothers ever! I hope you wake up and realize that, you assholes!" He dropped his arms to his sides, bursting into tears. "I just want things to go back to the way they used to be! Why did this have to happen? I want my brothers back!"

"Jyushimatsu..." Osomatsu tried to put his hand on his shoulder, but he turned away.

"Don't touch me," he spat. "I'm leaving." He kicked the door open, ignoring his brothers.


"Maybe this is what trash like me deserves," Ichimatsu chuckled darkly. "Makes perfect sense to me."

"Don't go calling yourself trash again!" You wiped tears out of his eyes.

"I might as well go in there, if I'll fit." He pointed to the trash can.

"You-pfft! You can't-!"

"Wait, if I'm trash, that means you'll have to pick me up. How does seven sound?"

"Ichimatsu Matsuhuhuno!" You nearly toppled off the bed, wheezing with laughter. "Stop, cut it out!"

"Why should I? If I can't smile, I should at least try to get someone else to smile." Ichimatsu shrugged. "I like seeing you happy."

"But I like seeing you happy too," you protested. "Do you really hate them?"

"Sometimes, now is one of those times. What do I do now?" He looked completely lost. "O-oh, I got you something."

Forever - Ichimatsu Matsuno X Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now