Don't Ever Change

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You entered the Matsuno household, watching the brothers sit at the kotatsu. "Hey, you useless NEETs."

"Hey, only girl that is nice to us," Osomatsu greeted.

"(Y/N)!" Jyushimatsu pushed them out of the way to get to you. "My favorite sister!"

"I'm your only sister." You rolled your eyes. "Wait a minute, where's Ichimatsu?"

"He said he was going to the bathroom a while ago," Karamatsu told you.

"How long is a while ago?"

"Um..." Osomatsu looked at the clock, and his jaw dropped. "An hour?!"

"You sure he's still in there?" You raised an eyebrow.

"Positive, we never saw him come out. I hope he's not hurting himself." Choromatsu looked down the hall nervously.

"I'll go check." You walked down the hallway, peeking in their room just in case. "Nope." You finally approached the ajar door and pressed your ear up against it. Nothing. "Hmm." You crossed your arms. "Where could-" There was a sound. "What?" You peered through the crack, hearing someone mumbling. Maybe I should check on him. Wait, that's an invasion of his privacy. But something might be wrong. But what if he's naked?

"You piece of garbage," Ichimatsu mumbled to himself.

"Eh?" You saw him standing in front of the mirror shirtless and pinching his stomach. "What the?"

"I know you're there, (Y/N). Go away."

"What are you doing?" You pushed the door open, and he turned to face you, looking you in the eye. He started to shut the door, still making eye contact. You would've thought it was funny if the circumstances were different. "Oh no you don't!" You stopped the door with your foot.

"I said go away!" He immediately slammed it on your foot, making you shriek in pain.

"SON OF A BITCH!" You pulled your sore foot out, and Ichimatsu resumed closing it. "Hey! Come on, let me in!"

"No!" he shouted like a spoiled child.

"But I'm worried about you! Please open the door!" You started hopping on one foot. He really did a number on me, the bastard.

"Ugh!" The door cracked open, and he nervously peeked out. "I'm fine."

"Sure you are. Come on." You pushed it open completely. He WAS shirtless! You turned away for a moment. "U-um, why are you in front of the mirror?" You placed a hand on his shoulder, which he immediately pushed away.

"None of your business." He hung his head. "It wouldn't matter much to you, anyways."

"Please tell me what's wrong, I want to help."

He didn't shake you off this time. "You'd laugh," Ichimatsu whispered.

"I would not! If something was bothering you, I wouldn't laugh about it!"

"Okay." He bit his lip, finally turning to face you.


"What do you mean, 'well'? Can't you see it?"

"See what?" You tilted your head in confusion.

"(Y/N)," he looked down at his feet, "am I fat?"

"What the hell?" You frowned. "No! Whatever gave you that idea?"

"Look at me!" He pinched his skin. "Don't you see?"

"You are not fat! Even if you were, I wouldn't love you any less!"

"But why do I look fat? None of my brothers are fat, just look at Jyushimatsu!"

Forever - Ichimatsu Matsuno X Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now