Chapter 5: The Dark Baptism, P. 2

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After her encounter with Nick, all her mind was clouded with was how cute it was that he was trying. As she walked downstairs to the kitchen, she was smiling internally. But quickly, she shrugged it off and walked with her head held high.

She met with her mother in the kitchen, who looked as if she was patiently waiting while reading a paper.

"Mother, are you waiting for someone?", Rebecca asked while drinking a glass of water.

"Yes dear, I'm waiting for your aunt to wake up from the pit", Zelda said while sipping on tea. Rebecca looked at her weirdly, confused as to what happened.

"What happened to Aunt Hilda?", she asked.

"She annoyed me, so I killed her and buried her in the yard pit.", Zelda answered casually.

"How did she annoy you exactly?"

"She was telling Sabrina about how she felt with her Dark Baptism and insinuating that she had no choice back then. She should not encourage Sabrina to not go through with the baptism. It is the Dark Lord's will, and that is final.", Zelda said with a frustrated and stressed tone to her voice.

"Mother, you do know that you can't just kill Hilda for a simple feeling that she felt back then. It's not right. Surely, you feel guilt for doing that, don't you?", Rebecca said with furrowed brows.

"I wouldn't have had to do it if she wasn't encouraging Sabrina with that nonsense she spoke of.", Zelda said to her daughter and rolled her eyes.

"Anyway, where are you going dressed like that? You look horrendous", Zelda said with a grimace on her face, when she looked at her daughter's outfit for the night.

"Sabrina, The Weird Sisters and I are going to spook some boys who bullied one of Sabrina's mortal friends.", Rebecca said with a smile on her face as Zelda's face lit up in approving manner. She then made way to the entrance and meet up with her cousin while hearing her mother yell out:

"Remember: if they're not pure...!"

"Spook them more!", Rebecca said finishing her mother's sentence. Rebecca could imagine the proud little smile her mother would have at that moment.
Sabrina made her way to the entrance, approaching her cousin.

"Wow, you look just like The Weird Sisters.", Sabrina said looking Rebecca up and down.

"Well, that's the point, is it not?", Rebecca asked rhetorically and smirked. Sabrina smiled, and they then made their way to meet up with the sisters.


The girls walked through the woods that led to a store, where they found the jocks that bullied Susie. They approached the boys after making the lights buzz and radio static. The girls walked feeling the power of the Dark Lord within them. These boys were not ready for what was coming to them. Rebecca saw one of the jocks smirking at them and thought to herself, 'Is that what he thinks is smirking? Disgusting'.

"Hello boys", Sabrina said fake smiling sweetly at them.

"What's up", the jock Billy said. Rebecca almost laughed out loud for the pathetic excuse of him trying to be flirty.

"The four of us were thinking of having a little party in the mines... but we'd need beer and boys for that", Sabrina said with a suggesting look on her face. As expected, the boys followed the girls through the woods to the mines.

"Do you go to Baxter? You look kind of familiar.", Billy asked while walking. Rebecca thought he was dimwitted for not recognizing someone from his own school. 'Alas makes this job easier since Sabrina is infamous at her school for being vocal about their issues, she thought.

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