Chapter 1: October Night

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Everyone in the cinema startled. To the witch Rebecca Spellman, daughter of Zelda Spellman, she found the startling pathetic. For her, it did not scare her the slightest. In fact, she was quite bored she wanted to go home, more than being surrounded by mortals. She didn't mind living among them, but there were definitely certain things, that made her happy she chose the Path of Night. She quickly glanced at her cousin and fellow witch Sabrina Spellman, who looked amused and excited about the movie. 'At least someone is having fun', she thought. Rebecca had no idea, why Sabrina invited her or how she convinced her to come. She knew about her mortal friends, though she did not know them personally nor went to their high school, Baxter High. When the movie was over, she was practically jumping up happily to finally get out of there. Her friends hurried along with her, as they did not want her to go alone. They walked down the stairs talking.

"I was confused by the zombies. I mean, why were they so freakin' slow", Harvey Kinkle, Sabrina's mortal boyfriend who she loves dearly, but has not yet told him, said, "Fast-moving zombies is a relatively new concept in horror. Earlier incarnations assumed that reanimated corpses were afflicted by rigor mortis, and, as such, moved slowly.", Sabrina said with a tone of knowledge and introduction. 

Rebecca glanced at her quickly and later rolled her eyes at how impressed her friends were. 'it's common knowledge', she thought, but decided to keep it to herself. Rebecca saw Sabrina looking at the boys from her presumed high school before, looking at her friend Susie Putnam. She knew well about the Putnam family. She indeed respected them and definitely did not have anything against them, as her ancestor helped the witches during the Salem Witch Trials. 'Something must have happened with those boys and her'', Rebecca thought. She felt bad for Susie, who did not deserve whatever those prep boys did to her. Sabrina and Susie walked ahead and had a small exchange of words before Sabrina ran into a woman Rebecca did not recognize.

"Oh excuse me! Oh, Sabrina", said the woman, who immediately recognized Sabrina and smiled big."Ms. Wardwell, hi!" Sabrina smiles big and chuckles.

"I didn't know you were a fan of horror movies"

"Sabrina's nuts for 'em, the gorier the better." Harvey cuts and informs Ms. Wardwell.

"Well, um, who doesn't enjoy a good scare every now and again. Especially this time of year" Ms. Wardwell says and took her glasses of to clean them and walks away shyly. 

They all went outside the cinema and Sabrina starts informing Ms. Wardwell about their traditions after a movie and asks her if she wants to join. Rebecca and Sabrina's other mortal friend Roz looked at her like she grew two heads. 'Who asks an old woman that?', Rebecca thought. It was unusual to do that.

"I have papers to grade. But thank you. Thank you for the offer. Really. See you in class, guys". M.s Wardwell politely declines and walks away with a little wave. Sabrina frowned a little but quickly smiled at her way. Rebecca quickly realized, she was a teacher and assumed she was Sabrina's favorite.

"Brina, why would you do that?" Roz questions the same thought Rebecca had in mind."Yeah, even I agree that was weird", Rebecca said with raised eyebrows and crossed arms.

"Invite Ms. Wardwell?"


"I feel bad for her... living in that house... all alone" Sabrina frowned and turned around with Harvey to Walk to dr. Cerberus's. Rebecca stayed behind, as she knew Harvey was going to walk Sabrina home later and she definitely did not want to be a third wheel.

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