Chapter 7: The Dark Baptism, P.4

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It was now morning, and Rebecca woke up with no sign of Prudence anywhere. She was disappointed. She thought she was stupid to even let herself get vulnerable and let Prudence seduce her with magic. She got up, got ready for it was Sabrina's birthday today. She would put her bravest, bitch face on and continue on with her day. She came downstairs at the same time as Ambrose and Titus.

"Good morning, cousin. You don't look happy.", Ambrose said noticing something about her expression.

"Good morning, Ambrose. If anything, I don't necessarily want to talk about it right now.", She said half-smiling, walking down the stairs.

"Well, I'm not going to pressure you into it, but if you ever feel down, you are allowed to talk about it, especially with me", he said with a sympathetic smile on his face. Rebecca smiled back in appreciation. 

"And you always have me as well, partner.", Titus quickly chirped in and Rebecca smiled appreciatively at him.

The two walked through the living room to get their books and came just in time as Sabrina said:

"At a minimum, I have to tell them that I'm-"

"Transferring to a posh, private school in Connecticut?", Ambrose said walking in with Rebecca and Titus.

"You'll send them a postcard. Ambrose and Rebecca will keep you company and keep an eye on you. Won't you, guys?", Zelda said looking at them pointedly. Ambrose looked hesitant, lifting his spoon half up to his mouth and Rebecca looking up from her books with wide eyes. Then they both smiled at his aunt and her mother.

"But of course, Auntie Zee."

"Yes, mother. We will."

Zelda smiled at them approvingly and satisfied. Rebecca looked at Sabrina who looked contemplated and torn with her decisions. But she honestly has tried to explain it to her, but Sabrina's too stubborn. She figured if Sabrina had to listen to anyone, it would be Ambrose. Which she knows, he won't like to do.

"Well, I'm off to the academy", Rebecca said, standing up and walking out into the hall. Ambrose followed her, looking at her with wide eyes.

"Cousin, you're supposed to help me with Sabrina", He whispered harshly with his teeth grinding, as was walking behind her.

"She already knows what she has to do, she just needs to be reminded. Comfort her, or at least keep her amused.", Rebecca said smiling at him sweetly. He walked over to her trying to catch up to her, mumbling 'no, no, no, no, no, no'. 

He was too late since she disappeared like a breeze straight out of the front door. She would hear an earful from him when she got home, she could feel it.


She arrived at the Academy and walked inside. Everybody that went past her was immediately intimidated by her since she had a very angry look on her face. She walked in the halls and quickly found her way to the girls' rooms.

"Prudence!", Rebecca yelled sternly as heads turned to her at the doorway and got Prudence's attention. Prudence stood up and walked towards her, as Rebecca pulled her arm and went to the bathrooms.

"Oh, come for more? I will happily oblige."Prudence smirked.

"Last night, don't you think I know you used magic to get me to sleep with you?", Rebecca stated sadly, as Prudence began to lose her smirk.

"You took advantage of me... and for what? I have done nothing, but still have feelings for you.", Rebecca said furrowing her eyebrows in confusion towards Prudence's behavior. Prudence stayed quiet, looking anywhere else, but Rebecca. Prudence was still quiet, not letting anything get out to tell her. Rebecca looked at her disappointed.

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