Chapter 6: The Dark Baptism, P.3

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As they heard screaming from the boys running out of the tunnel, the girls trapped the boys' boyhoods in a birdcage, in which Sabrina asked what they were.

"Souvenirs from tonight", Agatha said with a smirk on her face.

"I don't understand", Sabrina said with a troubled look.

"We took their boyhoods. Until you release the birds, those four boys won't be... rising to any occasion", Prudence said with a content look. Rebecca smiled a bit mischievously while walking beside Prudence. She thought she could've not been even more attractive to her. 

"A few weeks of impotence might teach them better manners", Dorcas explained as she leaned down to Sabrina.

"You could've warned me. At least given me a heads up", Sabrina said disappointedly, looking directly at Rebecca. Rebecca looked back at her apologetically, but she didn't feel any regret for scaring those boys.

"We didn't think you'd want to participate", Prudence chuckled at her while walking.

"Sorry Sabrina, but even I assumed you didn't want to join in.", Rebecca looked behind at Sabrina and grimaced.

"But perhaps you're more suited to the Academy than we originally imagined", Prudence said. 

"Yeah, about that --"

"Oh, save your breath, we know you lied. You're a terrible liar", Prudence scoffed.

"You were a bit obvious, cousin.", Rebecca said factly to Sabrina.

"Well, if you knew I lied, then why would you help me? I mean, I get Rebecca, but why you?", Sabrina asked confusingly at the sisters.

"We don't need a reason to torment mortal boys.", Dorcas said while looking ahead.

"But if you're transferring to the Academy, why bother with the boys at all? They'll soon be out of your life.", Prudence asked wondering Sabrina's decision of payback to the boys.

"I don't want them harassing my friends when I'm gone.", Sabrina said factly with a sad look on her face.

"That's very sweet, Sabrina", Rebecca said as she felt like Sabrina needed that encouragement just a bit.

"But if you care about them so much, why leave them? if you have a choice", Prudence asked with a point.

"I'm not sure I do. I'm getting a lot of pressure to transfer. Father Blackwood came to my house.", Sabrina tells the sisters.

"What? The High Priest visited you?" All three girls looked back at Sabrina and Rebecca in disbelief that the high priest himself came to visit them. Rebecca looked uncomfortable under their stare and started looking down at Sabrina for her to explain:

"To relieve me of my doubts, and he did, some of them, but... it still feels wrong to me.", Sabrina whispered as if someone could listen in. 

"Signing my name in the Book of the Beast knowing that, on some level, I... I'm giving up my freedom."

"You are. In exchange for power. An even exchange.", Prudence pointed out to her.

"But I want both. I want freedom and power."

"Sabrina, I understand the struggle you go through. But to have both...", Rebecca said when Prudence interrupted her by laughing and looking back at her sisters. Rebecca looked at her rudely for interrupting her.

"He'll never give you that. The Dark Lord. The thought of you, any of us, having both terrifies him", Prudence said factly while starting to walk backward and the rest following.

"Why is that", Sabrina wondered.

"He's a man, isn't he?", Prudence asked rhetorically while she kept walking. Rebecca stayed a little behind with Sabrina.

"She's right, you know? But Sabrina, I'm sorry to have to be the one to point it out to you, but have a feeling that you're gonna have to sign it eventually.", Rebecca said with a sympathetic look on her face. She started walking ahead of Sabrina who looked in doubt and despair.


As Sabrina went ahead to Harvey Kinkle's place, Rebecca was back home in her room to get ready to sleep. As she did, a breeze came rushing by in her room.

"Prudence, I'm actually quite busy at the moment.", Rebecca said while pulling up the straps of her night top.

"Hmmm, taking on your night clothes and not taking them off?", Prudence said flirting with her and being suggestive.

"Pru, even though I did enjoy tonight, I don't think it's a good idea. I also have to rest for tomorrow." Rebecca said while walking towards her bed, but Prudence walked in front of her stopping her from going to bed.

"And why is that? Surely, you enjoyed tonight,  what's stopping you from enjoying something more with me", Prudence smirked.

"Maybe, because we define that 'something more' a little differently.", Rebecca said slightly angrily at Prudence. Back when Rebecca started at the academy after moving from Riverdale High and Archie, she and Prudence flirted with each other and ended up sleeping together multiple times. What changed for them is that Prudence did not reciprocate romantic feelings as Rebecca did. 

"I thought you were over it by now since it's been so long", Prudence sighed.

"I have feelings, Prudence, and I can't control it. They have lasted ever since then. Simple as that. I may still have some feelings left for you, but I'm still heartbroken. This is not the way it should be, I want it to be real.", Rebecca said with a few tears in her eyes, which she held in. She hated feeling vulnerable, especially in front of someone like Prudence.

"It can be real.", Prudence smiled and stepped closer to her with her lips by Rebecca's ear.

"It can be out in the open...", She whispered while kissing her ear. Her voice echoing as it sounded so enchanting.

"It can be us...", She kissed her cheeks, echoing in sweet enchantment.

"And only us." She kissed the corner of her lips. Rebecca couldn't resist it. Prudence and her powers is her weakness, and she has bowed down to it. They started kissing slowly and passionately as they touched each other's skin across their body. Clothes were removed and scattered on the floor, as they laid on the bed while kissing. And so for the rest of the night, they kissed and kissed and enjoyed each other even more.


Authors note:

wowsas, that was hefty and awkward to write. i have no clue how to write "and now they are having sex". 

but I hope you enjoy this one! this may be a bit shorter than the rest, I haven't checked yet. but I thought that for each episode, there will be three chapters in total. so I split it, and if at some point in the future, there has to be more, then I shall make them.

hope you have a good day, and please do comment if you want me to continue, because i'm very busy with university and all other stuff, so this is only for my free time alone.

feel free to also give feedbacks! they are underrated as fuck!

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