Chapter 2: October Night P. 2

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Rebecca woke up feeling normally tired. She walked slowly into the bathroom with Titus following her. He knew of the difficulty of her hair. Hers was uncontrollable, to say the least. She looked in the mirror and got startled by the massive bird's nest on her head. She sighed loudly and spun around to transform her hair. 

"What do you think, Titus?", Rebecca asked her trusted familiar.

The first hairstyle was in a high ponytail.

"I think you look brilliant, although it doesn't necessarily seem like you."

"Yeah, you're right."

So she spun again. The second was the same kind of hairstyle her mother had. She looked carefully at herself in the mirror

"No, I'm not gonna look like my mom.", Rebecca said sternly.

"I think that look suits you.", Titus complimented her.

"Well, of course you say that, you're my familiar and afraid of my Mum."

"That... might be true."

She rolled her eyes playfully and spun again. She looked pleased with the two dutch braids on the side. She decided her outfit on a maroon bomber jacket with a striped croptop underneath and a black skirt with Chelsea ankle boots. Her accessories were pretty simple, an infinity necklace and a few rings here and there on her fingers. Her phone started ringing.

"This is Rebecca Spellman, what do you want?"

"Hey Rebel, how are you?", It was her old friend Forsythe Jughead Jones calling her.

"Jug, hello, I'm very fine this morning, thank you for asking. What is it now?"

"So you already know why I actually called?"

"I know you Jughead, and it's not because you want to chit chat. Go on, tell me. What seems to be the problem now?"

"Well, yeah, first of all, I didn't call just to talk, I called because I need some of your 'special' knowledge about something. I'll tell you the details later, but can you help?"

She thought for a moment.

"I'll see what I can do."

"Great, I'll meet you at the border of Riverdale"

"Deal, see you there."

She hung up to call Nick.

"Wow, and she calls me, huh?"

"Hmmm, not for good reasons, unfortunately. I'm going to be in Riverdale for a couple of days, so you can't walk me to school. I'm sorry.", She smiled sadly.

"No worries, Bec, I'll cover for you for Father Blackwood. Maybe you could return the favor by going out with me?", he smirked a bit, thinking he may have shot his shot.

"Hmmmmm, we'll have to wait and see, when I get back." She smiled a bit and kind of blushing.

"I'll wait forever if that's what you're asking."

"I'm most definitely not. Alright, I have to go now. I'll see you in a couple of days."

"Can't wait, bye beautiful.", He smiled big and waited for her to say something. She smiled and smirked a bit while hanging up the phone. She chuckled a bit to herself. She turned to Titus.

"Well, looks like we're going to Riverdale, Titus.", She stated.

"Oh dear, this would be interesting.", Titus stated as they both walked the halls towards the stairs.

She walked downstairs to get breakfast with her family.

"Goodmorning Mum, Aunt Hilda, Ambrose", she said, nodding her head.

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