Chapter 8: The Dark Baptism/The Trial of Sabrina Spellman

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Rebecca and Sabrina both ran out through the woods when they heard a loud roar in the background. The roots had a hold on Sabrina's, as Rebecca struggled to get her free from the holds. The roots then snaked themselves onto Rebecca, pulling her and Sabrina down to the ground and slightly away from each other. They both struggled to free themselves from the roots, both of them grunting and Rebecca calling out Sabrina. Rebecca used her magic to free herself, murmuring a spell to control the roots. She quickly went over to Sabrina, who was almost free, and took a hold of her arms. Rebecca pulled Sabrina as hard as she could, and managed to free her legs from the roots. Dirt was on both of the girls, as they ran towards the house.

"Ambrose!", Sabrina called out. Ambrose looked up from his book, as he saw in shock of both Rebecca and Sabrina run towards the house in a panic.

"Ambrose!", They both called out to him, and he ran down the stairs of their front porch.

"Sabrina! Rebecca"

"Ambrose", Sabrina panted out running towards him. Ambrose stopped, as he looked at them both with wide eyes, completely in shock.

"You won't-- you won't believe what happened.", Sabrina said breathing heavily with Rebecca panting beside her.

"I think I can guess, cousins. Behind you", Ambrose said, looking and pointing behind them with wide eyes. They both turned to see the coven coming towards them with torches in their hands.

"While the Blood Moon still shines, you must sign the Book of the Beast", Father Blackwood states sternly and loudly. Rebecca looked to Sabrina to see what would happen next. It was all just a tense atmosphere that made it unbearable for Rebecca to handle. They looked up at the sky, as the coven moved closer towards them.

"I will not!", Sabrina bursts out. Rebecca looked at her with wide eyes, thinking 'Unholy shit'. The coven stopped moving, and Rebecca stepped slightly behind Sabrina.

"There is another path for me, just as there was for my father and mother. A third way. And even if there isn't, my name is Sabrina Spellman and I will not sign it away!", Sabrina enunciated all the words loudly to the coven. Rebecca was feeling both proud and scared. Just as silence came across, Father Blackwood slammed the book closed with a thud echoing, Ambrose jumping out of fear.

"Girls", Father Blackwood looked to the Weird Sisters, ordering them to do something. They all came towards Sabrina with Rebecca slightly pulling her arm towards her in preparation to run. As this happened, Ambrose quickly stuttered out loudly.

"A circle of protection rings this house! And no witch save a Spellman may cross it.", He exclaimed and the coven stopped.

"Any unwelcome witch that tries shall burn! So please, go ahead!", Ambrose exclaimed. The cousins of Sabrina breathed heavily, waiting to see if they dared to cross. Father Blackwood raised one eyebrow, as he starred at Sabrina. In almost amusement, he backed and walked away with the coven following him. Prudence held eye contact with Rebecca before walking away to follow Father Blackwood. Rebecca held her breath, as she saw Zelda and Hilda walk towards the house.

"When did you put a protection on the house?", Sabrina asked, turning around to see Ambrose.

"I didn't. Though I should probably start, hmm?", he said breathlessly.

"Ambrose!", Rebecca called to him and he turned.

"Good thinking", she praised him. He nodded in gratitude and walked back inside the house. Rebecca and Sabrina stood still, as their aunts walked past them. Although without a disappointed look from her mother, Zelda. The aunts walked inside, as Rebecca and Sabrina stood still outside.

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