Chapter 3: October Night P. 3

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Rebecca was driving in silence. She drove past the sign of Greendale, whilst thinking about any possibilities of any witchcraft that Jughead may have been insinuating. Her phone started ringing, she groaned. 

"If I asked you to reach the phone, could you do it?", Rebecca asked Titus, while he looked at her with a pointed look.

"I figured.", Rebecca sighed

She reached over to get it, only to swerve the car a bit. 'Satan, I almost crashed', she thought. Thankfully they was still alive. 

"I say this as politely as I can, I don't think you should be driving.", Titus commented, as Rebecca looked at him offended.

"Like you could drive better, you dog.", She quickly retaliated, acting maybe a bit  childish.

She reached to the bridge where Sweetwater River is, right at the border of Riverdale. She parked the car on the side, and turn the ignition off. She got out of the car with Titus jumping out to meet Jughead right in the middle of the bridge.

"Alright, I'm here. Give me the deets." Rebecca said blankly.

"Wow, no hellos or a hug maybe?" Jughead said amused while petting Titus.

"You know that's not me. And it's not you either" She pointed out. They went to sit on the ground to discuss the matter.

"Yeah, you're right," he said, knowing that, that is true. "So I'm just gonna go down to business. There were these two guys who were in the woods, Dilton Doiley and Ben Button. Do you know Ben? I actually think he lived in Greendale" He asked her.

"Can't say I know much, other than the fact that he was a pizza delivery boy.", She informed him.

"Right, well, they were in the woods and they were playing some sort of game called Griffins and Gargoyles. Doiley was in my trailer earlier that day and insisted that something called the Gargoyle King existed. I told him to wait there, so he could maybe give me more information about this, but he disappeared. All that was left was a map, so naturally, I followed the map. I discovered 2 unconscious bodies with all sorts of totems, symbols and drawings around and on them. And Rebecca, it wasn't pretty. Their bodies were kneeling to the ground, practically worshipping whatever it was. Like it was some kind of a ceremony that took place. There was this blue liquid in front of them as well. They were sent to the hospital as soon as the ambulance came, Ben woke up, but Doiley didn't. He was confirmed dead of cyanide poisoning. And then when my girlfriend and I went to visit Ben, he said something about ascending, right before jumping off the window of his hospital room. A girl named Ethel visited him beforehand with something, I don't know what is. Does any of this seem like something you know of?" he asked her. She was pretty confused because it did not seem like something she would recognize immediately.

"It doesn't seem quite familiar to me, but do you mind maybe showing me the totems, symbols, and maybe the drawings to me? Maybe that could help me recognize if those were magic.", She asked.

"Here, I took some pictures of the scene, before the police arrived."

He showed her the pictures of what it looked like. It disturbed her because she knew for a fact that this was not magic in the slightest. She showed to Titus and he tilted his head in confusion.

"Jug, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but those symbols and so on are not something I recognize within the Unseen Arts, nor has got to do with any other sorts of magic at all." She looked at him with sorrow.

"Damn, makes this case more interesting. Sorry to drag you all the way here for no reason."

"Hey, I needed to get away, so thank you for dragging me here" She raised her eyebrows with wide eyes at him. He laughed a bit and looked into the air.

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