47. The plan

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Joe raises his eyebrow. "What do you mean you don't know if it's safe? What's your plan?" He is already doubting this plan. Because is all this really worth their safety? The boy can see that Ben is already getting nervous just at the thought of his plan.
The blond starts breathing a little faster and fiddling with his hands. "Maybe if I go talk to Corey's parents they can help us. They were the only ones who didn't blame me for Allen's death. But I don't know how they think about me now." Ben says softly.
For a moment, Joe doesn't know what to say. Does Ben really wanna go to people that might hate him, all for him? Deep down the ginger thinks it's very romantic. But luckily, he's also able to still think very clearly. "And what if they don't think the same about you anymore?" He asks.
Ben shrugs with nonchalance, but Joe can see the slightly panicking look in his eyes. "Then... I don't know. They'll yell at me or something?" He says, although it sounds more like a question.
Joe takes a deep breath and nods. "Okay then. But you're sure this is the right thing to do?"
Ben nods. "Yes, I'm sure. I think the best thing to do is going tomorrow. I know Corey won't be home then." He mumbles.
Joe shows the boy a little smile before hugging him once again. "Okay. But I'm coming with you. I'm not letting you go there all on your own." The ginger says when they let go of the hug.
But Ben immediately gives him a hesitating look. "I don't know if that's a good idea Joey. I don't know how they respond to me being... gay." He says.
Joe shrugs. "Then don't tell them you are. Just tell them I'm your roommate, or your best friend." Joe says. He's definitely not letting Ben do this alone. 

A smile appears on Ben's face, and he nods. "Okay then. I wouldn't even be lying. You are my best friend."
Joe smirks and leans in to steal a quick kiss. When he wants to detach their lips, he is suddenly grabbed by his sweater and pulled into another kiss by Ben.
This time the kiss is longer, and very passionate. Their tongues quickly meet, and start dancing together.
Joe's right hand finds its way around Ben's neck, the other one intertwines their fingers.
Ben lets out a pleased noise when he feels Joe biting his bottom lip.
When they pull away from the kiss to breathe, they just stare in each other's eyes for a while. "Damn... that was one hell of a kiss." Ben mumbles with a smile, trying to catch his breath.
"So, does that amazing kiss mean that we can be boyfriends again?" Joe asks with big innocent eyes.
A grin appears on Ben's face. "Joe Mazzello, will you be my boyfriend?" He asks as he takes Joe's hands in his own.
The ginger giggles softly and smashes their lips together once again.
"I'll take that as a yes." Ben says as he licks his lips.
Joe nods with a big smile. "A very big yes." He whispers before closing his eyes and cuddling up to Ben's chest.
At this moment, all their problems seemed to have disappeared briefly. 


"How about a movie night?" Joe asks with a big smile when they've finished their dinner.
Ben smiles and nods. "Sounds perfect. But tell me when you get tired, okay? Then we'll continue the movie another time." He says before giving the boy a kiss.
Joe nods and yawns. "I will. I'm gonna change into some comfy clothes. Be right back." The ginger says before he disappears into their bedroom.
Ben smiles and sits down on the couch to pick a movie.
After he found some action movie, he walks into the kitchen. He makes a cup of tea for the two of them, and searches the cabinets for any snacks.
After sitting down on the couch again, Ben notices the silence.
"Joey?" He walks towards their bedroom to check on Joe. The blond smiles widely when he sees his boyfriend.
The ginger is sitting in the chair in their bedroom, his eyes falling close.
Ben giggles softly when he sees that Joe is wearing one of his hoodies. The blond walks over to Joe, and kneels down in front of the chair. He takes Joe's hand and presses a kiss onto the back of it. "You're tired baby. Let's go to bed." Ben whispers with still a big smile on his face.
Joe shakes his head slowly. "No no, I was just sitting down for a moment. I'm not tired." He mumbles.
Ben rolls his eyes with a smile, and puts his arms around Joe to lift him up.
Joe tries to fight against it at first. He lets out a whine, not wanting to abandon their movie plan. But a few seconds later, he can spontaneously feel himself doze off in Ben's strong arms.
Ben gives the boy a kiss on the forehead before whispering a soft 'I love you'. 

When Ben puts Joe down onto their bed, the ginger lets out a satisfied noise before curling up into a ball.
"I'll be right back sweetheart." Ben whispers. He gives Joe a quick kiss before leaving the room.
In the living room he turns off all the lights after putting the snacks in the kitchen again. He himself isn't tired at all, since it's only a quarter to nine. But he takes every chance he gets to cuddle with Joe.
The blond hurries back to the bedroom again.
There, Joe is still curled up on the bed with his eyes closed.
But Ben can see that the boy isn't asleep just yet. Because the moment he enters the room, a smiles cracks on Joe's face. "Well, at least I know now where all my hoodies have gone." Ben says softly with a smirk. He crawls next to the boy and covers the two of them with the duvet.
The ginger lets out a happy hum as he curls up against Ben's chest. "I'm your boyfriend, I'm allowed to wear your hoodies." Joe mumbles.
Ben giggles and lets his hand run through the boy's ginger hair. "You look amazing in them. And incredibly cute." He says.
"I love you Benny." Joe whispers before nuzzling his face into the fabric of Ben's sweater.
Ben can't stop a big smile from forming anymore, and gives the boy a kiss on the head. "I love you too ginger boy. Sweet dreams." He whispers back. 

Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter

I'm having a bit of trouble finding time to edit chapters, so uploads might be a little slow, I'm sorry♡

Much love from me

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