Chapter 6: Get Out

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Kelly slammed the door to Shay and his apartment. He walked over to pull out a beer. Shay came downstairs to see what was going on.

"Kelly?" Shay saw her best friend. She had never seen him this hurt. She had never seen him this angry.

"She left me because of some damn photos her parents showed her!" Kelly drink the rest of his beer and grabbed another one. "She didn't even think to come to me and ask! She just got on a plane and left! Who the fuck does that?!"

Shay walked over and hugged Kelly. "I'm so sorry Kelly."

"Her parents hated me so much they drove us apart. She is the love of my life Shay!"


"What do you mean Shay?"

"You said she IS the love of your life."

"I still love her Shay. But I am just so damn angry! I lost her for 5 years because of this bullshit!" Kelly took another drink of his beer. "And she believed them just because I cheated on her once in high school."

"Kelly, I'm not trying to defend what she did. But did you put yourself in her shoes? Did you try and see what it would feel like?"

Kelly just stopped and stared at his best friend.

"Kelly she was hurt. You two just buried your daughter. She wanted to run from Chicago but you are what kept her here. And then her parents showed her the photos and she took off. She saw her chance to run and she did."

Kelly sighed and just looked off into the distance "I know but she was my wife. Did she not think I wanted out of here too? Everywhere I looked all I saw was Anna. Our sweet baby girl who didn't even get to live her life." Kelly took another drink. "You know I still remember the day I found out Shelby was pregnant?"


Shelby, Kelly, and Matt were all sitting around Shelby and Kelly's apartment watching the black hawks game. Matt was sitting in the recliner while Shelby and Kelly were laying on the couch together.

"Dude what was that?" Casey was motioning towards the tv.

Kelly and Shelby just laughed. "You guys want another beer?"

"Sure!" Shelby got up to get the beers and as she was walking away Kelly smack her ass. "That's my wife!"

Casey made a gagging sound. "You two need to get a room."

Shelby came back in carrying two beers. "Oh but Casey we wouldn't want to make you feel left out." She handed a beer to Casey.

"Nope i'm good. I've heard enough of you two to know I want no part in that one." Shelby and Kelly just stared laughing.

Shelby walked over and handed the beer to Kelly. She then laid back down in Kelly's arms. She was waiting for him to notice.

Kelly started playing with the label of his beer bottle. When he realized there was something different. He started to examine it a bit closer. "Uh Shelby what is this?"

"What do you think it is?"

Kelly looked closer and realized it was a sonogram. His face lite up like a Christmas tree. "Are you pregnant?"

Shelby just started nodding her head "yes. I'm about 8 weeks."

"Wait so i'm gonna be a dad?" Kelly wasn't for sure if he believed her. They had talked about it but hadn't fully decided. But it's not like they were using protection either.

Shelby just nodded her head.

"Yes!!!!" Kelly was super excited.

"Hey man that's awesome. Congrats you two!"

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