Wedding Bells

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We landed in Vegas and couldn't wait to go get married. We grabbed our bags from baggage claim and made our way out of  the Las Vegas Airport. I had booked us a room at the MGM grand. We got a ride and headed for the hotel.

"Are we really doing this Kels?" I was starting to get nervous and had no idea why. We've done this before and everything was so messed up last time.

Kelly grabbed my hand. "Yes and I can't wait." Kelly then kissed the back of my hand.

We arrived at the MGM. Kelly and the driver got our bags. Kelly paid him and then we headed inside to check in. There was a very bubbly red head behind the counter.

"Hello welcome."

"Hi. We have reservations under Severide."

"Okay let me check."  She made a couple clicks. "Ah yes here we are. You have a tower spa room is the correct?"

"Yes Ma'am."

"Perfect. Okay here are your room keys. Your in the 15th floor. Room 1540."

I grabs the keys from her. "Thank you." Kelly and I walk away from the checkin desk and board the elevator.

"So where are we getting married?"

"The bliss wedding Chapel."

"It's not going to be one of those corny Elvis weddings is it?"

I start laughing. "No Kelly. I could never do that to you."

The elevator stops signaling we made it to our floor. We step off the elevator and head for our room. I unlock the door and we head inside.

The room was perfect. King sized bed, jacuzzi tub, and a shower. I walked over to the window to look out over all the lights. Kelly comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. Resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Whatcha thinking about?"

"Thinking about Anna and how I wish she was with us right now."

"Me too. But she is always in our hearts."

"I know Kels. Just sometimes it's not enough."

Kelly placed a kiss on my temple. "I know sweetheart."

"I also wish Casey was here. He's been with us every step of our relationship and he's not here to celebrate with us."

"I know. We will have a big reception with everyone once we get back."

"I can't wait." I started to yawn. "I think I'm going to take a nap.

"Alright hun." I turn around and give Kelly a kiss. I then head into the bedroom and lay down.

I had been asleep for couple hours I woke up a little when I felt the bed shift. "Hey Kelly"

Whoever it was started laughing. I didn't recognize the laugh as Kelly's. I opened my eyes to find Casey sitting there.

"Casey!" I hugged our best friend. Kelly was standing in the doorway laughing.

"Did you really think I would let you guys get married without me?"

"Okay now it's perfect. Wait is Gabby with you?"

"Well about that."

"What? Casey what did you do?"

"Nothing. Come out to the living room." I walked out of the bedroom to find our firehouse family there. "Did you really think we would miss out on this?"

I start to cry. Kelly and Casey both hugged me. Then it turned into this big group hug. "Thank You guys. I'm so glad all of you are here."


I was standing at the back of Chapel. My nerves started to kick in. "Why am I nervous? It's Kelly we've done this before." I was pacing back and forth.

Casey grabbed me by my shoulders and made me look at him. "Everything is going to be fine. You and Kelly were meant to be. You guys have overcome so much together. You two can handle anything that life throws at you."

"Thank you Casey." I hug my best friend.

The music starts and Casey holds out his arm for me. "Now let's do this."

I link arms with Casey. "Let's go."


Kelly and I were officially married again. Kelly had booked a room at one of the restaurants at the MGM for dinner. We were all sitting around at the table sharing stories and laughing.

Christopher Hermann then stood up to get everyone's attention. "Alright listen up everyone!" We all stopped what we were doing and looked at Hermann. Hermann then looked at Kelly and I "Severide I just wanted to say I have never seen you happier than how you are in this moment. Shelby brings out the best in you. You two have been through hell together and it has only made your love stronger. I wish you guys the best and I can't wait to watch your marriage succeed and flourish. Cheers to Mr. and Mrs. Severide."

"Cheers!" Everyone raised up their glasses.

"Alright my turn." Casey stood up and look around at the group. "I have known you two since we were kids. The trouble we would all get into. " Everyone laughed. "But thinking back on all it I believe you two were meant to be even when we were kids. Just the way you guys looked out for each other and were always there for one another. None of that has changed. No matter what you two have gone through you have always been there for the other to lift each other up out of the darkness. I am happy to call you two my best friends. Cheers to Mr. and Mrs. Severide!"

"Cheers!" Everyone took another drink.

Kelly then stood up. "I just want to say thank you too all of you for being here. For coming out to Vegas to watch us get married." Kelly then turned to me. "Shelby, where do I even start? You are the most amazing women I have ever met. The way you put others before yourself. The way you handle things with such grace and care. You have always had my heart ever since we were teenagers. And I am so happy to call you my wife."


I had a few tears falling down my face by this point. The love I was feeling was amazing. My heart was so full and happy. I stood up to take my turn. "Kelly, you are my heart. My world. I never stopped loving you even when we were apart. It's always been you. You run into burning buildings to save someone and you don't even think twice about it. You don't know this but you have run into my life many times when I felt like my world was burning. You have saved me more times than I can count." I choke back a sob. "And I can not wait to spend the rest of our lives together. I just hope you don't mind sharing it with me, our angel Anna,  and one more person."

I was smiling at Kelly waiting for him to figure out what I was saying. But of course Hermann figured it out first. "No! You're pregnant!" Everyone's mouths were open and looking at us.

Kelly stood up and looked me in the eye. "Wait are you for real?" I start nodding my head and crying. Kelly hugs me picking me up and spinning me around. Everyone else started clapping and saying congratulations.

Everything was exactly how it was suppose to be.

The End

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