Lovegood & Malfoy- love story

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Narrator's POV:

Luna and Draco had very different experiences during the war. And therefore, had very different lives after the war.

After the war, Draco Malfoy spent exactly two weeks with his parents in hiding. Finally, he decided that he couldn't take it anymore. He couldn't handle his father's constant complaining and anger, and he couldn't stand accidentally walking in on his mother covering up cuts and bruises that had been inflicted on her by his father.

One day he walked into the kitchen to get a midnight snack secretly when he saw his mother limping over to the freezer to get an ice pack. He had finally decided that he was done with his father altogether. He knew that the Ministry was looking for death-eaters, but he also knew that the Aurors wouldn't find their secret cottage in the forest on their own. He decided to give them some help.  He still couldn't find any memories that were happy enough to perform the Patronus so he sent a letter to the Ministry stating their exact location. 

He then started his new mission, packing.

He quietly crept up to his room and 

He then as quickly as possible packed up anything valuable in his room and moved on to the next one. Eventually, he got to the living room. Carrying three pretty heavy bags, one with all of his things, the second with random family momentums of him and his mother, and the third for his dear mum who was now fast asleep on the couch with an icepack placed on top of her ankle. 

.      .      .

Luna Lovegood was a relatively bubbly and positive person, but this changed after the war.  She thought she could handle seeing the people she loved disappear from her life but she was wrong. 

The moment she saw her old teacher professor Lupin and his dear wife Tonks dead in the Great Hall she broke down sobbing. She had no clue what to do with her life anymore. She always wanted to study magical creatures but she would need to retake her seventh year for that and she wasn't sure if she could survive living in this castle for another year after the horrors that had occurred. 

After all the death eaters had dispersed with the death of their dear Lord Voldemort Luna went home to an empty house. Her father had died rather early in the battle and she had been completely shattered when she found this out. She had already lost her mother when she was young, and now her father too. What was she going to do? She kept this question in her head for hours upon hours until finally, she came up with a plan that seemed reliable enough. 

After Luna had finished packing up her bag with pictures, clothes, and books she headed to her chimney, scooped up a handful of flu powder, and threw it at her feet stating clearly,  "The Burrow." 

When she arrived she found an empty living room but the house smelled as magnificent as always, maybe even better. She had only been to the Weasley home once, for Ginny's 13th birthday but that was it. 

As walked into the kitchen she found Ms. Weasley baking up a storm. She had baked cookies all over the counter and at least 4 different kinds of cake. She always knew that Molly loved to bake but this time it was different. 

Time skip- a couple of months 

It was now September 1st and everyone was heading onto the Hogwarts express for hopefully a cheerful year. You could tell that fewer students were going to Hogwarts this year and of course, that made sense. This school was no longer seen as safe anymore by many families, even if Voldemort is gone. 

Draco walked onto the train, trying to avoid anyone seeing him by keeping the hood of his hoodie over his head. After about 10 minutes of searching, it was official. There were no empty compartments. He was at the very end of the train and there was only one person visible in the last compartment so he took his chance. He'd rather have one person see him over walking through the whole train again.  

As he stepped into the compartment he noticed the familiar blonde hair. He sat down across from the girl that he used to call Loony and put his bag down next to him which carried his trunk which he had shrunken down, Romeo and Juliet (his guilty pleasure which no one knew about), and his wand. 

They were about 2 out of 8 hours through the train ride and Luna had been secretly watching Malfoy read his book. She would have never guessed that THE Draco Malfoy read books written by muggles. As she held her mouth slightly agape, the boy finally decided to look up and meet her gaze. They locked eyes and it was like the entire Earth had stopped spinning right at this moment. 

After five minutes of smiling at each other Luna finally says something.

"I never knew you read muggle books Draco." She said as she stood up and sat down next to him, facing in his direction, so they were looking at each other again.

"I'm full of surprises I guess," Draco said a slight tinge of pink filling his cheeks.

"I was never quite the same after the war, but the only thing that kept me sane while staying at the Burrow was my books. After all, the air there is no longer filled with joy and happiness. It is only filled with pain and despair." Luna said laying her head casually on Draco's shoulder. She could tell that he had never really had physical touch by the way he stiffen and froze so she just took his pale hand in hers, drawing slow circles with his thumb, and looked into his eyes in a dreamy daze. 

"Why were you staying there?" Draco said, becoming curious about her new living situation.

"My father was killed during the battle and my mother died when I was little." She said as a tear strayed out of her eye and ran down her pale rosy cheeks. Draco looked at her and ran the pad of his thumb along her cheeks, wiping away her tears. 

"I'm sorry," He said as he pulled away slightly embarrassed 

"Don't be, it wasn't your fault." And that's all she said. They didn't need to say anymore. By the words that they had spoken, they could tell that they had some kind of special bond. They could tell that they made each other feel a way that no one else could because they understood one another. 

The End

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