Ugh Parkinson (Harry Potter)

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POV: y/n y/l/n female

I walked into the Great Hall, I looked incredible as all eyes fell onto me, the new girl. I was sporting my signature leather jacket, well they didn't know that yet, but of course my friends from, Durmstrang knew.

after attending that school that is not a matter of fact all boys, transferred here, trying to find a way to come into contact with my biological parents that I just found out a couple of weeks ago live in London. 

I busted through the doors, walking down the center of the hall and looking around me with a smirk. I was the best-looking person there by far.

Suddenly someone said something that proceeded to stop in my step, walked to the front of the room, and circled back around to the Slytherin table, and before anyone could say anything else I approached the shit-talking short-looking girl with brown hair, who seemed to be throwing herself over some random, rather attractive, blonde boy. 

So as I sent a wink his way I faced back to this girl and said, "What did you say?" 

"I said, you're ugly." She said, giving me a nasty glare

"Well, I'm not the one throwing myself over a boy who doesn't even seem to acknowledge me," I said rolling up my sleeves, and I could tell she had tensed up and was pissed.

"But you're too pathetic to realize that not everyone looks as good as me, certainly not you. So I'll be nice and ask what's your name?" I said with a huge smirk on my face as she clutched onto the blonde a scared look approaching into her eyes.

"Parkinson, Pansy Parkinson," she said, sitting up a little straighter- trying to look more confident.

"Okay, Parkinson. Let me give you a little bit of advice okay? When you try and hide behind your little boy toy, you look more scared and definitely not as confident as you seem to think so maybe back of and don't go shit-talking all the girls that are better looking than you," I said nudging my head at the blonde. I then proceeded to get up, walk to the front of the hall, sit down on a little brown stool, and had the sorting hat placed on my head. 

"SLYTHERIN" the hat called out almost immediately after being placed on my head and I almost doubled over laughing at the look of utter disgust and fright on Pansy's face, so as I walked over to where she was sitting I stood there and as she stood up I sat down in her place, waving a hand as to ask her to sit somewhere else and turned my head to look at the blonde now sitting directly to my left. 

Even if I wasn't sitting right next to him I would have been able to feel his stare on me fifty feet away, and so I finally said something. 

"What's your name?" I asked politely

"Malfoy, Draco Malfoy. It's a pleasure to meet you, miss.....?"

"y/l/n, y/n y/l/n." I said, extending my hand to him as we shook lightly and then took my hand gracefully to place his gently on the back and whispered, "Beautiful" gently placing my hand back on the table and continuing to chat with a boy whose name I later learned was Blaise. 

Sorry this stories super short, hope you enjoyed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2022 ⏰

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