Here We Go.

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Jem, Scout and I talked all the way to school. Jem warned me of a few 'misfit' children and the passed teachers. Since this was Scout's first day too, she just listened, at least I think so. She kept looking down at her dress. Probably still wondering why she had to wear it. I slowly put down my hand to reveal to her that she wasn't alone in this journey. She noticed it and looked up at me with a small smile then took it. It made me feel more grounded and slightly less nervous. 
I started to slowly hear children playing in the school yard. Without communicating it, Scout and I stopped to take in the full sight of the school. Scout looked up at me. 
"Miss Y/L?" 
"Hm?" I couldn't take my eyes off of the school. She tugged my arm a little to get my attention. It snapped me back into reality. "Yes? sorry dear" But she didn't say anything. Just the look as if she was about to run. I held onto her hand tighter to make sure she didn't leave me. I inhaled quickly and stated "Alright Miss Scout, off we go!" 
Here we go. 

I slowly let go of her hand to be able to get a better hold of my bag. I turned to her and said "Why don't you play out here for awhile, I'll see you in a bit" 
"Yes ma'am. JEM?" And with that she was off. 
I laughed to myself and headed inside. 

The room was a bit bigger than I expected. The walls were a kind of a gray mixed with brown. There wasn't any separate desks but benched desks. They were already filled with journals and other school belongings. There was a big chalkboard at the very back of the room directly behind my new desk. At the top was already the Alphabet in cursive writing. Better than mine so I decided not to touch it. I seemed somewhat muggy inside so I went around opening the windows to allow the cool breeze in. 
I set my things on the desk and sat in the wooden revolving chair, "Well Miss Y/L, let's get started shall we?" As best as I could, I walked confidently towards the doors and opened them to allow my new students inside. 

The first day ended and I was more than happy to head home. Jem came inside and asked if I wanted to walk with them home and I said "No thank you. I'm sure you're sister wouldn't like me there." Just before he left the doorway, I said "oh Jem? Make sure to tell your father that I won't be there for dinner but will talk to him afterward. And in future, I'll just walk to school with you two. Just let me know when you leave alright?" He nodded "Yes m'am" and was off. 
I sat back into my chair and titled my head back to take a breath. I rested my hands on my hips and then slowly straighten out my dress. Standing up, I gathered the rest of my things and made sure everything else was arranged for the next day. 
As I was walking back home, I could see ahead of me Jem, Scout and Walter, Mr.Cunningham's boy. I made sure to walk on the opposite side of the road so that they wouldn't see me, especially Scout. From the corner of my eye, I could see Atticus starting to walk home from work. 
Oh no please no not now! Please don't notice me! 
Too late, he started crossing the road to my side and slowly increased his speed to catch up with me. "Y/N! How was your first day?" He grabbed the side of my waist and kissed my cheek.
"Hello Atticus" He noticed my behavior and furrowed his brow. He stopped me from walking to make me look at him.
"Darling what's the matter?" He asked in almost a whisper. 
"If you don't mind, I don't want to go into detail at the moment. Not when you are having a different dinner guest tonight."
I tried to walk away without anything more but he lightly brushed my arm to stop me. I turned around, refusing to meet his gaze.
"I'm not coming tonight but know that.." It started to get harder to breathe. "just know that it isn't about you. I'm sure you'll find out from your children on what happened today. It's just..." Tears started creeping their way to my eyes. I quickly brushed them away with my hand.
"It's just that I don't want to speak of it right now if you please." 
I slowly looked up at Atticus' face to see him in a worried and helpless way. He walked up, I grabbed his hand, and brought it up to my collarbone. 
"Perhaps I'll stop by tonight to talk? If you feel like you are able to?" Atticus finally said. 
I couldn't respond besides a nod. A tear escaped my eye and rolled down my face. Atticus put down his satchel and lightly caressed my face. He started to rub away my tears.  He didn't say a single thing. He just looked at me with his loving brown eyes. As more tears fell, I slowly began to put my arms underneath his to begin holding him. My hands overlapping and gripping his suit coat from behind. Atticus put his right arm around the top of my back while with his other hand, rubbing my neck. We both didn't say anything for awhile. I just let myself cry a bit to get some of it out. I didn't realize I was holding back so much. Atticus started breathing heavier to help me get back on track. 
After a short while my tears started to dry and I started to breathe normally again. I met his eyes again and released my grip. He did as well with his arm around me. I smiled slightly at him and he returned the smile with a hint of curiosity to make sure I was alright while he brushed my jawline. 
"Thank you" I whispered. He drew me close with both his hands, into a soft yet reassuring kiss. That seemed to help calm my entire body down. I think he could sense this so we kissed again but this time harder and more passionate. Not expecting the second kiss, I felt the shivers down my spine. As we pulled away, Atticus said quietly "Whenever you need me, I'll be there." 
I smiled bigger and laughed to myself. He looked at me confused but started to smile too. 
"I'm always going to need you Atticus Finch." He smiled so big and kissed my forehead. Reaching down to his satchel, he kissed my hand too and slowly made his way home. I stood there for a brief moment watching him cross the street. Then I walk up the step and headed inside. 

Sorry this is a little short. More is coming I promise! I'm so happy with the ending of this one, that I made myself swoon! (I totally didn't read it 50 times or so!)

ANYWAYS, hope you're all enjoying it! Thank you for all the support! It means a lot to me :) 

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